Hello and welcome to our final blog, we return home tomorrow on the 20th of July early in the morning. At the moment we are sat in our guest house waiting to go to Bangkok airport. Let us fill you in with whats been happening here in the last weeks:
Last Monday (12th) we rose early at 5am, after Holland lost the world cup final, (yes we did stay up to watch from 1.30-4.30am)to get ready for the opening ceremony of the new TB ward at the CDC (HIV hospital). CHO partnered with TEARfund to build the new ward and on Monday the provincial govenor came to officall open it. We were there to play English christian worship songs for the people as we waited for the governor to arrive. It was such a special morning, to worship God and pray for blessings upon this hospital for the last time. Calum represented Tearfund, so he sat on the stage next to Chomno, looking like a naval officer, the girls loved it!
After the new ward was opened we went with all the CHO staff to Safe Haven for a party to say goodbye to the two Dutch carpenters; they'll be coming back in 6 months to live in Siem Reap. So we played football, ate food and had a good time, relaxing after an early start. Everyone went to the carpentry workshop to have a look at the carvings that the 5 students had made, it blew us away! These students are so skilled and after just 3 months were producing incredible carvings of Angkor Wat.
Our time at Safe Haven school last week was special. On Tuesday we set the children a task to build the tallest tower with eighty plastic bottles, one roll of celotape and two pairs of scissors, in groups of 6 in 20 minutes. We were so impressed with their efforts, the tallest tower was over 2.5 metres. On Thursday we had a talent show, so spent Wednesday preparing for it. The children could choose to sing, dance, act, play games, make music, or make art. With a little help from us, they came up with original acts and prodcued a fun and exciting show on our last day at the school. Of course we contributed to the show with a story about Chico the clown, intrigued...?
We then did our final bible class on the first and greatest commandment, to love God and one another. We had the children stand in a circle, join hands and tell the people around them that they love them and give them a hug. We then asked them to pray for the person on their left and right and finally for everyone in the school; what a great way to finish our time there, seeing all the children praying for each other. After that we gave out photos of us with the school children that we had taken previously in the week and printed off for them, sweets and a Union Flag to be put up in the library.
Then it was time to say goodbye; those last hugs meant so much to us and we'll never forget their smiley faces. Leaving that place for the last time, it felt like we would be back, we hope we will.
Throughout the week we have been preparing to go, starting to pack and sorting out the loose ends at CHO. Alex gave his guitar to CHO and we left some things we thought would be useful. On Friday we had a classic CHO leaving party. There was dancing, singing, fruit eating and many goodbyes. These guys are our family here, and we realised that when they all gathered round and prayed for us, it was a beautiful moment, tears were welling up from them and us...
Despite the difficulties in saying goodbye, we realise that we aren't truly saying goodbye as we will see them again, we have the whole of eternity to look forward to with them, what a hope we have in Jesus!
The last few days have been filled with ups and downs, and leaving CHO for the last time really brought it home that we were leaving. Although we are looking forward to coming home, we leave a piece of our hearts, and the people we have met and spent time with we take back with us in ours.
We have learnt so much and could write so much about how we have changed, our struggles and difficulties, but also our many joys and triumphs. The last 6 months, as cliche as it may sound, has been life changing and we are so grateful to God for bringing us to this place and what he has done in us and through us. Mission involves everyone, whether you are sending people or being sent, so we want to thank you all for your prayers and want you to know that our time here would not have been the same without you. Thank you.
Praise be to our Lord Jesus Christ for who he is and what he has done.
ACTS 20 : 23 - 24
I only know that in every city the Holy Spirit warns me that hardships are facing me. However, I consider my life worth nothing to me if only i may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me - the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace.
Blessings to everyone and we look forward to seeing you soon.
God Bless
Alex, Paul and Calum
We are 3 guys on a gap year from different backgrounds and areas of the UK all wanting to be challenged and changed. We want to serve God and people in new ways and be humbled and learn from those we meet from other cultures and faiths ... 'Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture thats you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out' Romans 12:2 (The message) ... www.cambodianhopeorganization.org
We will be working with the Cambodian Hope Organisation (CHO), in a border town called Poipet. In Poipet the largest source of employment is day labour, 8-10 thousand people cross the border each day to transport goods back from Thailand; working conditions and pay is poor. Poipet lies in the shadows of ten super-casinos, they provide little economic benefit to the local area. The influx of tourists and gamblers attracted by the casinos has encouraged the sex industry to flourish. Child trafficking has taken a stronghold in Poipet, and its the poor families who are at risk of being lured into sending their children into Thailand where the risk of trafficking is high.
There is Hope! CHO works in the local community, and they envision 'a network of strong, hope-filled communities where adequate physical, psychological and spiritual needs are met.'
The work we will be doing with CHO is varied and includes; Helping to build a safe haven centre for children who have escaped the child trafficking industry, learning Khmer, the local language, taking an active role in children’s clubs and ‘school on a mat’, assisting CHO staff in their work in the community, working with individuals from different cultures and faiths, especially the Buddhist culture, praying for and visiting those suffering with HIV/AIDS, taking an active role in the life of the Church through worship, sharing testimonies, taking bible studies and preaching.
Sunday, 18 July 2010
Sunday, 11 July 2010
1st – 11th July
Well it turns out that we will be the guest Blogger (sorry for any disappointments!) as we enter the final week in Poipet!
174 days down, 9 to go…
The month started early at 5am with Alex’s birthday where the three of us and our friend Thea, one of the CHO staff with whom we do most of our work with, went to the meat market. We particularly enjoy visiting the overcrowded and somewhat smelly market and seeing what exciting new things we can find, and so, at Alex’s request we began the month at the place where it all happens in Poipet! Much busier at six in the morning instead of later in the day when we’d normally go, but not nearly as smelly; with temperatures reaching mid 40’s the smell of meat is, ermm… potent!
Our work currently revolves around the Safe Haven – at the building site in the mornings and with the children at school in the afternoon. The walls are built, the windows and doors in place and the roof is on, with the ceiling currently going in and we have just finished concreting the floors inside and out on the patio; next week we’ll start tiling.
We of course continue to teach English at the Safe Haven school and bible stories after that. We now know the children so well and we will certainly miss them when we come home, as they are a delight to be with, talk to, play games with, teach English and learn how to love like them. We have been doing another project with them over the last two weeks; putting on a production of Noah’s ark!
They made: animal masks, angry/laughing people masks, Noah and his family’s masks, 2 wonderful backgrounds – land and sea (flood), a rainbow, raindrops, acted out the whole story and we made an ark. With a wonderful narrator, an occasionally smiley God, some quiet angry people, some comical laughing, the ark almost falling down, some stray cats entering through the back of the ark and not the door, beautiful [praiseful] singing of “Happy Day” and a final prayer by Mana, Chomno’s daughter whom we live with, to end the performance; it was a wonderful afternoon. The children did so, so well and we were so proud of them! It was such a fantastic way to start saying goodbye to these awesome children!
We will ditch the English for them this final week and play lots of games – which may involve a load of water bottles, Cello tape, scissors, team building and lots of running around!
We had our last church service this Sunday morning where we played a few songs with the worship band and was both sad to say goodbye and surreal that we were - the final week seemed so far off a few weeks ago, and yet, here we are.
Tomorrow we are playing music at the opening for the new TB clinic they have recently built at the HIV/AID’s hospital that CHO run and so we are looking forward to that. The TB clinic will provide better facilities for those who suffer from HIV/AID’s and TB and thus able to separate those who do have TB form those who don’t. So for those awake at 2 in the morning, your prayers would be welcome!
We plan to do one more blog after this, but please keep us in your prayers as we are in the final home straight now and perhaps need your prayers more than ever now!
There are many thing’s we love about this country and thing’s we’ll miss, thing’s we won’t, thing’s we’re indifferent to, thing’s we’ve learned, thing’s we’ve seen, thing’s we’re looking forward to, thing’s we’re not, thing’s that have challenged us, changed us and transformed us.
Whether it’s the Safe Haven children, the Khmer people, building, moving bricks, gravel, sand and dirt from A to B, then to C and back to A, visiting the villages, playing games and sharing bible stories with the school-on-a-mat classes and vocational training classes, morning devotions, praying for people, seeing and living with those who live in a world so different to ours in Britain, teaching English, playing worship music and spreading the gospel of Christ; or sticky rice, deep fried battered bananas, living on a main road where incessantly beeping a horn on a moto, car or lorry is perfectly acceptable at 3 in the morning, washing in a bucket, occasional clean clothes, cockroaches appearing dead and consequently being eaten by ants daily; geckos, mice and the occasional rat; Khmer music, the never ending Khmer weddings (very loud music at all hours of the day – sleep is not allowed for those within a 100m radius of the speakers) and seeing an impossible amount of pigs and/or chicken’s being carried to the market strung upside down on the back of a motorbike and a family of 6 plus luggage balanced on a single motorbike; living in Cambodia and working with CHO has challenged us, it’s undoubtedly changed us and through Christ, and what we’ve been able to be a part of here in Cambodia has transformed us…
Yesterday was spent upturning the two rooms we occupy at CHO, where items previously thought lost, have once again been found; the floor is sparkly clean through the use of a broom, bleach and a crafty invention known to most as the common mop; the washing facilities have been cleansed from years of grime, cupboards emptied upside-down, back to front and inside-out, it was like ‘How Clean is Your House’. The first noticeable signs of packing have begun; though who would’ve thought Calum would be the first to pack! After 6 months of being with each other 24/7 (nearly 4,180 hours)... certainly not Paul and Alex, that’s for sure!
Well, to everyone and especially to all those who have been praying for us, sent us letters, packages and reading these horrifically long blogs, which are so sporadic it’s untrue, we thank you so much for all your support as we appreciate it ever so much.
God Bless
Alex, Calum and Paul
...and even if England did lose to Germany, at least through the referee, England made it to the World Cup Final 2010!
(Calum: I took no part in the inclusion of this ludicrous, ‘clutching at straws’ statement.)
174 days down, 9 to go…
The month started early at 5am with Alex’s birthday where the three of us and our friend Thea, one of the CHO staff with whom we do most of our work with, went to the meat market. We particularly enjoy visiting the overcrowded and somewhat smelly market and seeing what exciting new things we can find, and so, at Alex’s request we began the month at the place where it all happens in Poipet! Much busier at six in the morning instead of later in the day when we’d normally go, but not nearly as smelly; with temperatures reaching mid 40’s the smell of meat is, ermm… potent!
Our work currently revolves around the Safe Haven – at the building site in the mornings and with the children at school in the afternoon. The walls are built, the windows and doors in place and the roof is on, with the ceiling currently going in and we have just finished concreting the floors inside and out on the patio; next week we’ll start tiling.
We of course continue to teach English at the Safe Haven school and bible stories after that. We now know the children so well and we will certainly miss them when we come home, as they are a delight to be with, talk to, play games with, teach English and learn how to love like them. We have been doing another project with them over the last two weeks; putting on a production of Noah’s ark!
They made: animal masks, angry/laughing people masks, Noah and his family’s masks, 2 wonderful backgrounds – land and sea (flood), a rainbow, raindrops, acted out the whole story and we made an ark. With a wonderful narrator, an occasionally smiley God, some quiet angry people, some comical laughing, the ark almost falling down, some stray cats entering through the back of the ark and not the door, beautiful [praiseful] singing of “Happy Day” and a final prayer by Mana, Chomno’s daughter whom we live with, to end the performance; it was a wonderful afternoon. The children did so, so well and we were so proud of them! It was such a fantastic way to start saying goodbye to these awesome children!
We will ditch the English for them this final week and play lots of games – which may involve a load of water bottles, Cello tape, scissors, team building and lots of running around!
We had our last church service this Sunday morning where we played a few songs with the worship band and was both sad to say goodbye and surreal that we were - the final week seemed so far off a few weeks ago, and yet, here we are.
Tomorrow we are playing music at the opening for the new TB clinic they have recently built at the HIV/AID’s hospital that CHO run and so we are looking forward to that. The TB clinic will provide better facilities for those who suffer from HIV/AID’s and TB and thus able to separate those who do have TB form those who don’t. So for those awake at 2 in the morning, your prayers would be welcome!
We plan to do one more blog after this, but please keep us in your prayers as we are in the final home straight now and perhaps need your prayers more than ever now!
There are many thing’s we love about this country and thing’s we’ll miss, thing’s we won’t, thing’s we’re indifferent to, thing’s we’ve learned, thing’s we’ve seen, thing’s we’re looking forward to, thing’s we’re not, thing’s that have challenged us, changed us and transformed us.
Whether it’s the Safe Haven children, the Khmer people, building, moving bricks, gravel, sand and dirt from A to B, then to C and back to A, visiting the villages, playing games and sharing bible stories with the school-on-a-mat classes and vocational training classes, morning devotions, praying for people, seeing and living with those who live in a world so different to ours in Britain, teaching English, playing worship music and spreading the gospel of Christ; or sticky rice, deep fried battered bananas, living on a main road where incessantly beeping a horn on a moto, car or lorry is perfectly acceptable at 3 in the morning, washing in a bucket, occasional clean clothes, cockroaches appearing dead and consequently being eaten by ants daily; geckos, mice and the occasional rat; Khmer music, the never ending Khmer weddings (very loud music at all hours of the day – sleep is not allowed for those within a 100m radius of the speakers) and seeing an impossible amount of pigs and/or chicken’s being carried to the market strung upside down on the back of a motorbike and a family of 6 plus luggage balanced on a single motorbike; living in Cambodia and working with CHO has challenged us, it’s undoubtedly changed us and through Christ, and what we’ve been able to be a part of here in Cambodia has transformed us…
Yesterday was spent upturning the two rooms we occupy at CHO, where items previously thought lost, have once again been found; the floor is sparkly clean through the use of a broom, bleach and a crafty invention known to most as the common mop; the washing facilities have been cleansed from years of grime, cupboards emptied upside-down, back to front and inside-out, it was like ‘How Clean is Your House’. The first noticeable signs of packing have begun; though who would’ve thought Calum would be the first to pack! After 6 months of being with each other 24/7 (nearly 4,180 hours)... certainly not Paul and Alex, that’s for sure!
Well, to everyone and especially to all those who have been praying for us, sent us letters, packages and reading these horrifically long blogs, which are so sporadic it’s untrue, we thank you so much for all your support as we appreciate it ever so much.
God Bless
Alex, Calum and Paul
...and even if England did lose to Germany, at least through the referee, England made it to the World Cup Final 2010!
(Calum: I took no part in the inclusion of this ludicrous, ‘clutching at straws’ statement.)
Tuesday, 29 June 2010
Guest blogger; 12th - 30th June
Welcome to another blog, sorry for the delay. We now have 2 and half weeks left in Poipet and so though this week we would ask Emily Perry to be our guest blogger. Emily has been here for the duration of our time here and was on the same transform trip as us last year and now works with ‘Hope for the Nations’- a NGO working with CHO. We thought it would be interesting to have a different voice give their take on our time here. Enjoy...
After spending nearly six months with the three boys, I feel like I am highly qualified to comment giving all their faithful follows insight into the reality here. On arrival here there was a comment made by a CHO staff member; “their bodies are fully grown but their faces are so young!” since then we have worked them hard, got them a tan and stood and watched these boys turn into men.
Shall we begin with their living standards! Each boy keeps himself well groomed and kept for most of the day light hours; occasionally showing some spontaneity and experimentation with facial hair. However the rooms which they inhabit showed me a different story. They occupy two rooms the first of which has become their dumping ground for many unusual objects and a home for the world’s population of ants. I have caught them purposely leaving food for the ants to continue their city! Their water bottle pile has become something to marvel at. No bottle goes to waste as they collect them all and store them for that one grand final project that is yet to be worked out. A few ideas that have been tested include a bowling alley, sofa, decorations to be hung around the bedroom and a rather successful water feature! One of the regular activities that takes place in the front room is hair cutting. I know this because the pile of various coloured hair is swept up and remains in a corner to surprise any visitors. Maybe they are saving it for an art activity but I haven’t been brave enough to ask that question yet!
Their day consists of devotions, 66% of the team are regular attendants to this early morning activity, the other 33% catches up after breakfast. The morning at the safe haven keeps them busy before they return to the office to spread their sweaty love around us all. The safe haven school gets a treat in the afternoons with having English lessons and bible stories.
Calum enjoys sharing his years of wisdom with people who have limited English language skills and his safe haven grade 1 class! They enjoyed learning the theory of light being a spectrum of colours and the full science behind the theory. They have become the most educated grade 1 class in all of Cambodia!
Paul thoroughly loves the outdoor mans work and looks like proud local farmer with his straw hat coming back from a successful harvest when he has done a morning labouring at the safe haven.
Alex, (the pastor for the people) has his own following who arrive every day at 5 o’clock (often a lot earlier) to enjoy the English lesson. So far we have one love note and a fight started by a protective girl controlling the young rabble.
What a tremendous delight to have been part of their story here and to have them part of mine. They have tales of reaching village groups and whole schools with the gospel, and also memories of moving piles of rocks from one place and then back again the next day. Either way these boys are faithful to the cause and keep their eyes on the bigger picture. Humbly and unified they have impacted this community by simply being.
Blessings, look forward to another guest blog next week.
Calum, Alex and Paul.
Welcome to another blog, sorry for the delay. We now have 2 and half weeks left in Poipet and so though this week we would ask Emily Perry to be our guest blogger. Emily has been here for the duration of our time here and was on the same transform trip as us last year and now works with ‘Hope for the Nations’- a NGO working with CHO. We thought it would be interesting to have a different voice give their take on our time here. Enjoy...
After spending nearly six months with the three boys, I feel like I am highly qualified to comment giving all their faithful follows insight into the reality here. On arrival here there was a comment made by a CHO staff member; “their bodies are fully grown but their faces are so young!” since then we have worked them hard, got them a tan and stood and watched these boys turn into men.
Shall we begin with their living standards! Each boy keeps himself well groomed and kept for most of the day light hours; occasionally showing some spontaneity and experimentation with facial hair. However the rooms which they inhabit showed me a different story. They occupy two rooms the first of which has become their dumping ground for many unusual objects and a home for the world’s population of ants. I have caught them purposely leaving food for the ants to continue their city! Their water bottle pile has become something to marvel at. No bottle goes to waste as they collect them all and store them for that one grand final project that is yet to be worked out. A few ideas that have been tested include a bowling alley, sofa, decorations to be hung around the bedroom and a rather successful water feature! One of the regular activities that takes place in the front room is hair cutting. I know this because the pile of various coloured hair is swept up and remains in a corner to surprise any visitors. Maybe they are saving it for an art activity but I haven’t been brave enough to ask that question yet!
Their day consists of devotions, 66% of the team are regular attendants to this early morning activity, the other 33% catches up after breakfast. The morning at the safe haven keeps them busy before they return to the office to spread their sweaty love around us all. The safe haven school gets a treat in the afternoons with having English lessons and bible stories.
Calum enjoys sharing his years of wisdom with people who have limited English language skills and his safe haven grade 1 class! They enjoyed learning the theory of light being a spectrum of colours and the full science behind the theory. They have become the most educated grade 1 class in all of Cambodia!
Paul thoroughly loves the outdoor mans work and looks like proud local farmer with his straw hat coming back from a successful harvest when he has done a morning labouring at the safe haven.
Alex, (the pastor for the people) has his own following who arrive every day at 5 o’clock (often a lot earlier) to enjoy the English lesson. So far we have one love note and a fight started by a protective girl controlling the young rabble.
What a tremendous delight to have been part of their story here and to have them part of mine. They have tales of reaching village groups and whole schools with the gospel, and also memories of moving piles of rocks from one place and then back again the next day. Either way these boys are faithful to the cause and keep their eyes on the bigger picture. Humbly and unified they have impacted this community by simply being.
Blessings, look forward to another guest blog next week.
Calum, Alex and Paul.
Wednesday, 9 June 2010
May 22nd – 11th June
Welcome to yet another blog, we’ve had a busy two weeks being back at CHO, hence the slow blogging! Since our return from the village we have been back into a fairly regular schedule, working in the morning and teaching at the Safe Haven School in the afternoons. There have been a few teams come through after a short break and so was nice to see some fresh faces and talk with them. We are delighted to see Rebekah with us again (she came before, in February, for a short time). She has been to CHO numerous times and will be working with the ‘School on a Mat’ project and Safe Haven School implementing a new curriculum over the next six months. Rebekah works for one of the NGOs (Hope for the Nations – works in nearly 30 countries worldwide, founded in Canada) that support and sponsor CHO.
We ended May mostly working at the building site for the new house for trafficked boys at the Safe Haven Centre. That building now is nearing completion and is currently having the roof put on. There is a lack of finance for this building at the moment so your prayers would be so appreciated for money to finance the construction.
Since then we have been building a road through the Safe Haven and will continue to do this for the rest of the month (well, until it’s finished!). There is a mud/dirt road already running through it, but with the rainy season on its way (it is raining more frequently now in the afternoons) we have been putting small stones on top to keep the road in place, making it possible to walk on when the rain comes.
Paul, Calum and Thea working on the road (Alex is working, just taking the picture!)
We joined with several hundred children on the 1st of June to parade around Poipet for ‘International Children’s Day’, to promote children’s rights and stand against trafficking and child labour. Every year, CHO sponsor and organise (together with local schools) a parade around the city like this. Out of the hundreds of children that came, over 200 were kids from ‘School on a Mat’. It was a hot, but joyful and special day.
School children at the start point of the parade
Parade on the main road at the top of the City
With Rebekah now implementing a new curriculum into the Safe Haven and Mat schools, we have started to do more varied lessons in both schools. We have done art, music and puppetry lessons with the children; drawing, weaving, making shakers and puppets, with more diverse lessons to come. A new art exchange program has begun, with the Safe Haven and Mat School children drawing postcards which will be sent to schools in Lancaster (England), Kelowna (Canada) and Hong Kong. The children in those schools will then send their own postcards back to these children, so it is exciting to see the beginning of this process.
Other updated news; in addition to our morning devotional talks, we will now speak at church on Sunday morning’s – Alex started at the end of May with Paul and Calum to follow. We unfortunately said goodbye to Dara, who has been translating for us since arriving in Cambodia. He has been a good friend and fun to be with. We wish him all the best. On Fridays we are now playing basket ball with the Canadians at Victory Church, down the street, and a few Filipino guys who work at the casinos. There has unfortunately been a stop to the STREET outreach event due to some difficulties. Please pray for fresh ideas for an outreach project that we can start before we leave in just over a month.
Our time left in Cambodia suddenly seems somewhat limited (the time is flying past), but please keep us in your prayers.
With our love and prayers,
Blessings from Cambodia ...
If you are having trouble writing a comment on the blog, and want to write a comment, please email them to ... transformcambodia2010@gmail.com
We ended May mostly working at the building site for the new house for trafficked boys at the Safe Haven Centre. That building now is nearing completion and is currently having the roof put on. There is a lack of finance for this building at the moment so your prayers would be so appreciated for money to finance the construction.
Since then we have been building a road through the Safe Haven and will continue to do this for the rest of the month (well, until it’s finished!). There is a mud/dirt road already running through it, but with the rainy season on its way (it is raining more frequently now in the afternoons) we have been putting small stones on top to keep the road in place, making it possible to walk on when the rain comes.
Paul, Calum and Thea working on the road (Alex is working, just taking the picture!)
We joined with several hundred children on the 1st of June to parade around Poipet for ‘International Children’s Day’, to promote children’s rights and stand against trafficking and child labour. Every year, CHO sponsor and organise (together with local schools) a parade around the city like this. Out of the hundreds of children that came, over 200 were kids from ‘School on a Mat’. It was a hot, but joyful and special day.
School children at the start point of the parade
Parade on the main road at the top of the City
With Rebekah now implementing a new curriculum into the Safe Haven and Mat schools, we have started to do more varied lessons in both schools. We have done art, music and puppetry lessons with the children; drawing, weaving, making shakers and puppets, with more diverse lessons to come. A new art exchange program has begun, with the Safe Haven and Mat School children drawing postcards which will be sent to schools in Lancaster (England), Kelowna (Canada) and Hong Kong. The children in those schools will then send their own postcards back to these children, so it is exciting to see the beginning of this process.
Other updated news; in addition to our morning devotional talks, we will now speak at church on Sunday morning’s – Alex started at the end of May with Paul and Calum to follow. We unfortunately said goodbye to Dara, who has been translating for us since arriving in Cambodia. He has been a good friend and fun to be with. We wish him all the best. On Fridays we are now playing basket ball with the Canadians at Victory Church, down the street, and a few Filipino guys who work at the casinos. There has unfortunately been a stop to the STREET outreach event due to some difficulties. Please pray for fresh ideas for an outreach project that we can start before we leave in just over a month.
Our time left in Cambodia suddenly seems somewhat limited (the time is flying past), but please keep us in your prayers.
With our love and prayers,
Blessings from Cambodia ...
If you are having trouble writing a comment on the blog, and want to write a comment, please email them to ... transformcambodia2010@gmail.com
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
01st – 21st May
Poipet City
Poipet city from our window
Old market in Poipet at one of the many fruit stores
After a run of rather busy weeks we have finally sat down to write the blog. A lot has happened this month so far, so we’ll try and summarise the main things!
We have now started working with a few more projects and have a more varied schedule. A new house is currently being built at the Safe Haven site for trafficked boys to live in and there are plans for another one next to it for single mothers. We are helping two to three times a week building the house; over the last month we have made and moved bricks and at the moment we’re helping to pour cement into the brick walls. There has been a slight lag in progression with the building due to a lack of money to finance the building so please pray that finance would come for the construction of these two houses to continue; ultimately because the sooner there is finance, the sooner those who are at risk and vulnerable can be rescued and escape the horror of the human trafficking industry in Poipet.
We helped the agriculture and water and sanitation teams build a water filter at the Safe Haven, so that the kids can have cleaner drinking water. We enjoyed doing something a little different from our previous schedule.
Alex, Calum, Paul (left to right) working on the building site for the new boys house.
We have now started working with the HIV/AIDS project, praying for people who are suffering from the virus. It is quite a challenging morning when we go. Visiting people who have had HIV for years, seeing their suffering and knowing how to talk to them appropriately and sensitively is challenging and not easy. But Hallelujah, in Jesus Christ there is hope!
We’ll share just one story from a woman called Long Seenah, who we visited. Like so many women in Poipet, she has HIV. She did not know how she contracted the virus, presumably from her husband who is often drunk and abuses her and their five children. It is horrific at how ‘usual’ it is for men to abuse their wives in this country unfortunately, however, we guess that nothing is done because without him, there would be no finance for the family. All her children are fortunate enough to go to school and Long Seenah has help from CHO to transport her to the CDC (Control Disease Centre) HIV hospital in Poipet once a month so she can receive ARV treatment for the virus. She is one of over 320 people that CHO provide transportation to and from the hospital for ARV treatments.
We said goodbye to Sarah on the 11th May as she has gone back to the USA after being here four months at CHO. She has been working on writing a report for CHO about the Safe Houses in the surrounding villages of Poipet that CHO run, concerning its current condition and future development. The Safe Houses are where children who have been orphaned, abandoned, or at risk of being trafficked across the border, can grow up with a family - which is supported by CHO - in the villages. This was part of her master’s degree from Boston College. She arrived the same day we did in Bangkok and has been with us every step of the way, discovering Poipet, the Khmer culture, language and of course CHO so it was sad to see her go as we have all appreciated her friendship so much. We wish her all the best.
We had a holiday for five days on a Thai island called Koh Chang last week. We celebrated Calum’s 19th birthday here and had a lovely relaxing time on the beach, seeing the island and being able to take a break from the busy schedule we have working at CHO. Long, white, sandy beaches; warm, clear sea; beautiful, picturesque sunsets; and reading a book on an idyllic island we’d only dreamed of going to was an incredible way to spend a holiday.
Calum, Alex, Paul (left to right) at a waterfall in Ko Chang
Ko Chang island beach
In quite a contrast, on our return last week, we went to visit another village an hour from Poipet, where we stayed for 3 days in the village of O’Ompul. We went with Dara and one of the CHO Pastors, Sok Sarouen, and arrived on Tuesday morning to be greeted warmly by Pastor Sarath who we would be staying with over the next few days. We did not have much of an idea of what we would be doing, but trusted in the Lord. After lunch and spending time with Pastor Sarath and some of his family, we walked 1 kilometre to a smaller village community further out. We walked through fields, once covered in land mines from the Khmer Rouge Regime and civil war, just over 30 years ago. This was exactly how the Christian church developed in Cambodia, through missionaries walking from village to village spreading Christ’s gospel, in the early 1920’s.
Fallen down sign warning of a previous mine field – the one we walked through.
Walking through the Cambodian fields to a village
We arrived at a family’s home from Pastor Sarath’s church. Ten minutes later half the people in the community had turned up to meet us. A robo-cow that’s cart was full with durians passed by, and being the hospitable people that they are, they kindly bought us some to eat. Durians have a stigma we think is slightly wrong. They are claimed to have an unbearable smell but an amazing taste. However, the pungent aroma fills the back of your throat and they taste disgusting, an unbearable sensation when combined with their raw egg consistency. It has been the general consensus between the three of us that after this durian encounter, we will not eat them again. Ever!
We continue to be astounded by the constant generosity of the Khmer people, those who have so little and yet still giving; though we do not find this easy so your prayers in this would be so very appreciated. We gave a short message about prayer; what, why and how. This was sprung upon us without warning and so a quick minutes brainstorm and we were speaking to over twenty people. Lesson learned; always come prepared with a talk in the back pocket!
The village we visited to speak on prayer
That evening we met with the youth of the church, playing games, getting to know them and having a discussion about the personal relationship God wants with us.
On their departure we spoke to Pastor Sarouen and Pastor Sarath about their lives. Pastor Sarouen (the Pastor from CHO) was once a high ranking soldier in the Khmer Rouge army with 300 soldiers at his command. His life was transformed after the war when hearing a Christian teaching on a Filipino radio station, speaking in Khmer. He consequently found a local church where he gave his life to Jesus. Since 1998 he has been a missionary in the Battambang Province, about an hour from Poipet, until he joined CHO in Febraury.
Pastor Sarath was part of one of the guerrilla rebel groups fighting against the Khmer Rouge. He lost his left leg from the knee down from a land mine and ended up in one of the many refugee camps in Thailand where he became a Christian. There he met the now general Manager of CHO, Rathana. In time his faith came and went until about a year ago where Rathana convinced him to give his life to Christ once again. Six months ago he started his own church in the village which has grown to nearly 80 people. Once these two men were enemies, fighting against each other, but now they sit next to each other, working together to spread the good news of Christ. Only Jesus could bring such healing to a situation!
Pastor Sarath’s son, Pastor Sarath’s wife and newly born son, Calum.
Paul, Alex.
Pastor Sarath, Pastor Sarouen.
The next day, in the afternoon after lunch with some members of the village, we visited a smaller village 1 kilometre away and talked on God’s creation and the personal relationship he desires with us. This community had real trouble and difficulties in their lives, and we were glad that we could speak what we hoped were encouraging words to them. Despite their difficult lives they were extremely happy, joyful and pleased to listen to us. It’s often so hard to encourage these people when they have lives so different from our own; we can’t comprehend the storms they have in their lives, but Jesus can and he calms them. We met people with health problems and families split up between countries due to few job opportunities - many go to Thailand from this village in search of work. We met a boy and girl whose sister moved to Malaysia as a maid, one man we spoke to was once a doctor in the refugee camps but now has next to nothing and can’t support his family. This is the harsh reality of poverty, and it’s so hard to know how to respond to them, but Jesus brings hope, and we pray we brought some of that hope as we talked to the communities.
After speaking of God’s creation and the personal relationship he wants with us near O’Ompul
That evening we continued to talk to the youth about how Jesus takes away our sin and how we can enter into this personal relationship with him. It was good to spend some time talking with them and discussing this relationship Jesus wants from us.
We really felt God blessed us because these talks prepared us for the last day in the village. Pastor Sarouen that evening told us that we would be spreading the good news in a village where people had not heard the message before. So that evening we talked with him, and learnt how to spread the good news of Christ. The next day we were all looking forward to going to the village and when we spoke to a small group of seven people, five gave their lives to Christ (the others were already saved). Praise the Lord! It was a great experience to have had and we learnt so much from doing it. We hope that we can put this into practice in our lives at home but also in our time here left in Poipet.
We all really enjoyed our time at O’Ompul, although faced with challenges we had great food, the church where we stayed was comfortable and we loved the work we did, learning so much from Pastors Sareoun and Sarath. Four months ago we wouldn’t have had a clue how to go about responding to these challenging questions, cultural differences and invitations to spread the gospel of Christ to crowds. But we feel we have so much more of an idea now, of course we don’t get it right every time but we’re always improving. We can’t do this in our own strength, so please continue to pray for us.
We are back to a more regular schedule over the next few weeks. Thank you for all your support and prayers.
With our love
Peace out from Cambodia...
If you are having trouble writing a comment on the blog, and want to write a comment, please email them to ... transformcambodia2010@gmail.com
Poipet city from our window
Old market in Poipet at one of the many fruit stores
After a run of rather busy weeks we have finally sat down to write the blog. A lot has happened this month so far, so we’ll try and summarise the main things!
We have now started working with a few more projects and have a more varied schedule. A new house is currently being built at the Safe Haven site for trafficked boys to live in and there are plans for another one next to it for single mothers. We are helping two to three times a week building the house; over the last month we have made and moved bricks and at the moment we’re helping to pour cement into the brick walls. There has been a slight lag in progression with the building due to a lack of money to finance the building so please pray that finance would come for the construction of these two houses to continue; ultimately because the sooner there is finance, the sooner those who are at risk and vulnerable can be rescued and escape the horror of the human trafficking industry in Poipet.
We helped the agriculture and water and sanitation teams build a water filter at the Safe Haven, so that the kids can have cleaner drinking water. We enjoyed doing something a little different from our previous schedule.
Alex, Calum, Paul (left to right) working on the building site for the new boys house.
We have now started working with the HIV/AIDS project, praying for people who are suffering from the virus. It is quite a challenging morning when we go. Visiting people who have had HIV for years, seeing their suffering and knowing how to talk to them appropriately and sensitively is challenging and not easy. But Hallelujah, in Jesus Christ there is hope!
We’ll share just one story from a woman called Long Seenah, who we visited. Like so many women in Poipet, she has HIV. She did not know how she contracted the virus, presumably from her husband who is often drunk and abuses her and their five children. It is horrific at how ‘usual’ it is for men to abuse their wives in this country unfortunately, however, we guess that nothing is done because without him, there would be no finance for the family. All her children are fortunate enough to go to school and Long Seenah has help from CHO to transport her to the CDC (Control Disease Centre) HIV hospital in Poipet once a month so she can receive ARV treatment for the virus. She is one of over 320 people that CHO provide transportation to and from the hospital for ARV treatments.
We said goodbye to Sarah on the 11th May as she has gone back to the USA after being here four months at CHO. She has been working on writing a report for CHO about the Safe Houses in the surrounding villages of Poipet that CHO run, concerning its current condition and future development. The Safe Houses are where children who have been orphaned, abandoned, or at risk of being trafficked across the border, can grow up with a family - which is supported by CHO - in the villages. This was part of her master’s degree from Boston College. She arrived the same day we did in Bangkok and has been with us every step of the way, discovering Poipet, the Khmer culture, language and of course CHO so it was sad to see her go as we have all appreciated her friendship so much. We wish her all the best.
We had a holiday for five days on a Thai island called Koh Chang last week. We celebrated Calum’s 19th birthday here and had a lovely relaxing time on the beach, seeing the island and being able to take a break from the busy schedule we have working at CHO. Long, white, sandy beaches; warm, clear sea; beautiful, picturesque sunsets; and reading a book on an idyllic island we’d only dreamed of going to was an incredible way to spend a holiday.
Calum, Alex, Paul (left to right) at a waterfall in Ko Chang
Ko Chang island beach
In quite a contrast, on our return last week, we went to visit another village an hour from Poipet, where we stayed for 3 days in the village of O’Ompul. We went with Dara and one of the CHO Pastors, Sok Sarouen, and arrived on Tuesday morning to be greeted warmly by Pastor Sarath who we would be staying with over the next few days. We did not have much of an idea of what we would be doing, but trusted in the Lord. After lunch and spending time with Pastor Sarath and some of his family, we walked 1 kilometre to a smaller village community further out. We walked through fields, once covered in land mines from the Khmer Rouge Regime and civil war, just over 30 years ago. This was exactly how the Christian church developed in Cambodia, through missionaries walking from village to village spreading Christ’s gospel, in the early 1920’s.
Fallen down sign warning of a previous mine field – the one we walked through.
Walking through the Cambodian fields to a village
We arrived at a family’s home from Pastor Sarath’s church. Ten minutes later half the people in the community had turned up to meet us. A robo-cow that’s cart was full with durians passed by, and being the hospitable people that they are, they kindly bought us some to eat. Durians have a stigma we think is slightly wrong. They are claimed to have an unbearable smell but an amazing taste. However, the pungent aroma fills the back of your throat and they taste disgusting, an unbearable sensation when combined with their raw egg consistency. It has been the general consensus between the three of us that after this durian encounter, we will not eat them again. Ever!
We continue to be astounded by the constant generosity of the Khmer people, those who have so little and yet still giving; though we do not find this easy so your prayers in this would be so very appreciated. We gave a short message about prayer; what, why and how. This was sprung upon us without warning and so a quick minutes brainstorm and we were speaking to over twenty people. Lesson learned; always come prepared with a talk in the back pocket!
The village we visited to speak on prayer
That evening we met with the youth of the church, playing games, getting to know them and having a discussion about the personal relationship God wants with us.
On their departure we spoke to Pastor Sarouen and Pastor Sarath about their lives. Pastor Sarouen (the Pastor from CHO) was once a high ranking soldier in the Khmer Rouge army with 300 soldiers at his command. His life was transformed after the war when hearing a Christian teaching on a Filipino radio station, speaking in Khmer. He consequently found a local church where he gave his life to Jesus. Since 1998 he has been a missionary in the Battambang Province, about an hour from Poipet, until he joined CHO in Febraury.
Pastor Sarath was part of one of the guerrilla rebel groups fighting against the Khmer Rouge. He lost his left leg from the knee down from a land mine and ended up in one of the many refugee camps in Thailand where he became a Christian. There he met the now general Manager of CHO, Rathana. In time his faith came and went until about a year ago where Rathana convinced him to give his life to Christ once again. Six months ago he started his own church in the village which has grown to nearly 80 people. Once these two men were enemies, fighting against each other, but now they sit next to each other, working together to spread the good news of Christ. Only Jesus could bring such healing to a situation!
Pastor Sarath’s son, Pastor Sarath’s wife and newly born son, Calum.
Paul, Alex.
Pastor Sarath, Pastor Sarouen.
The next day, in the afternoon after lunch with some members of the village, we visited a smaller village 1 kilometre away and talked on God’s creation and the personal relationship he desires with us. This community had real trouble and difficulties in their lives, and we were glad that we could speak what we hoped were encouraging words to them. Despite their difficult lives they were extremely happy, joyful and pleased to listen to us. It’s often so hard to encourage these people when they have lives so different from our own; we can’t comprehend the storms they have in their lives, but Jesus can and he calms them. We met people with health problems and families split up between countries due to few job opportunities - many go to Thailand from this village in search of work. We met a boy and girl whose sister moved to Malaysia as a maid, one man we spoke to was once a doctor in the refugee camps but now has next to nothing and can’t support his family. This is the harsh reality of poverty, and it’s so hard to know how to respond to them, but Jesus brings hope, and we pray we brought some of that hope as we talked to the communities.
After speaking of God’s creation and the personal relationship he wants with us near O’Ompul
That evening we continued to talk to the youth about how Jesus takes away our sin and how we can enter into this personal relationship with him. It was good to spend some time talking with them and discussing this relationship Jesus wants from us.
We really felt God blessed us because these talks prepared us for the last day in the village. Pastor Sarouen that evening told us that we would be spreading the good news in a village where people had not heard the message before. So that evening we talked with him, and learnt how to spread the good news of Christ. The next day we were all looking forward to going to the village and when we spoke to a small group of seven people, five gave their lives to Christ (the others were already saved). Praise the Lord! It was a great experience to have had and we learnt so much from doing it. We hope that we can put this into practice in our lives at home but also in our time here left in Poipet.
We all really enjoyed our time at O’Ompul, although faced with challenges we had great food, the church where we stayed was comfortable and we loved the work we did, learning so much from Pastors Sareoun and Sarath. Four months ago we wouldn’t have had a clue how to go about responding to these challenging questions, cultural differences and invitations to spread the gospel of Christ to crowds. But we feel we have so much more of an idea now, of course we don’t get it right every time but we’re always improving. We can’t do this in our own strength, so please continue to pray for us.
We are back to a more regular schedule over the next few weeks. Thank you for all your support and prayers.
With our love
Peace out from Cambodia...
If you are having trouble writing a comment on the blog, and want to write a comment, please email them to ... transformcambodia2010@gmail.com
Sunday, 16 May 2010
16th May
This is only a quick blog to say that we continue to be well and are enjoying our time in Cambodia.
We have just returned from holiday; there was another national holiday in Cambodia as it was the King's birthday, and so this time we went to a Thai Island called Ko Chang and had a laovely time relaxing on the white sandy beaches and living the island life for a few days. It was great to have a break but are pleased to be back home in Poipet ready to work once more at CHO.
This coming week (17th - 20th May) we will be visiting and staying in another village to do work there. We do not as yet know what we will be doing, but we predict it will be similar to the last time in Bos Thom.
Please pray for us as we stay there over the next few days; for our health and safety, our Khmer language, for wisdom and knowledge of what to teach in the Bible and that we would continue to learn more and more, not least, about God and his heart for Cambodia. We want to see peoples hearts and lives changed in Jesus' name and see the gosepl of Jesus brought in his great love, joy, grace, peace and power. Please pray with us.
We will follow this short blog with a more detailed one on our return from the village towards the end of the week, hopefully - internet can be somewhat sporadic in Cambodia at times!
Alex, Paul and Calum x x x
If you are having trouble writing a comment on the blog, and want to write a comment, please email them to ... transformcambodia2010@gmail.com
We have just returned from holiday; there was another national holiday in Cambodia as it was the King's birthday, and so this time we went to a Thai Island called Ko Chang and had a laovely time relaxing on the white sandy beaches and living the island life for a few days. It was great to have a break but are pleased to be back home in Poipet ready to work once more at CHO.
This coming week (17th - 20th May) we will be visiting and staying in another village to do work there. We do not as yet know what we will be doing, but we predict it will be similar to the last time in Bos Thom.
Please pray for us as we stay there over the next few days; for our health and safety, our Khmer language, for wisdom and knowledge of what to teach in the Bible and that we would continue to learn more and more, not least, about God and his heart for Cambodia. We want to see peoples hearts and lives changed in Jesus' name and see the gosepl of Jesus brought in his great love, joy, grace, peace and power. Please pray with us.
We will follow this short blog with a more detailed one on our return from the village towards the end of the week, hopefully - internet can be somewhat sporadic in Cambodia at times!
Alex, Paul and Calum x x x
If you are having trouble writing a comment on the blog, and want to write a comment, please email them to ... transformcambodia2010@gmail.com
Tuesday, 4 May 2010
24th-30th April
We were fortunate enough this week to stay in the village of Bos Thom. After a quiet weekend sorting things out after our holiday in Singapore and an ever improving STREET on Sunday evening, we were looking forward to a change from our Poipet home; and it couldn’t be much different. So much happened in the 3 days we were there, it’s difficult to summarise in this blog so we’ll have to tell you more on our return, now just over two and a half months away.
Monday: We left for Bos Thom with Dara (our translator for the time away; he was invaluable, and we could not have achieved what we did without him, we are so grateful for his help). We stayed with Pastor Saruet, one of two Pastors at Bos Thom, with his family of eight. We were honoured and privileged to be the first foreigners to stay in the village. He is comparatively well off in the village of 1000 people, with a moto, house, toilet (squatty potty), pond, chickens, pigs, ducks and geese. We arrived late morning and were introduced to the Pastor and his family. We had no real idea exactly what we would be doing over the next four days; as is the case so often in Cambodia, you just need to dig a bit deeper and ask the right questions!
Pastor Saruet
CHO helped this village hugely by building a school, water pond, and started the church that Pastor Saruet runs. Many people used to get very sick before the pond was built; now they have access to clean fresh water. We learned on the last day that Pastor Saruet’s eldest daughter collects water from the pond every morning at 4.00am to replenish the family’s supplies. She carried two 20 litre buckets hung on a bamboo pole over her shoulder; we struggle to lift one on our own.
That afternoon, we taught English and did a bible class in the local school. Teaching at safe haven was good preparation! The majority of children had not learned English before, so we made a start with basic words, numbers and phrases. Everywhere we go the children are so similar, happy, smiley, and keen to learn, we love working with them! After some games, we started our bible classes with the creation story; we then asked the children if they had heard any of this before. Not one hand went up, out of a hundred. This knocked us for six. We wanted and knew we had to share the good news with them. Though, how do you tell anyone of the good news of Jesus and God’s unfailing love in just five half hour slots over three days? And that said, really only three/two sessions (there were two different classes in the morning and afternoons). It is such a privilege to serve and worship an unchanging God who is the same yesterday, today and forever; sharing the message with those who have not heard of Jesus’ name is what it’s all about. We got them to shout out: Preah jibijah slor’lang knhom! (God loves me!) It was a start that we would build on later in the week.
In the time whilst we were at the village they cooked us great meals. We found it so difficult however, to eat their food when they have so little. They insisted though and it is rude not to eat the food they’ve prepared. That said, the thing we found the hardest was how they fussed over us. We were honoured by their generosity which we couldn’t refuse but it was hard to accept sometimes. On Monday evening we spent the time playing endless games, drinking a lot of water and sweating! We brought a Frisbee with us and taught them ‘Ultimate Frisbee’ which they loved and despite playing some very odd Khmer games we had fun. The evening was lit up by the most amazing lightning storm we’ve ever seen – quite incredible. Our bed for the next three nights was a few wooden planks with a small, thin mat separating us from the boards, surrounded by a mosquito net – not the most comfortable nights we’ve had but how could we (how dare we) complain when this is what they have everyday of their lives.
Tuesday: We woke, Tuesday morning, to the embarrassment of having fifty children ready to learn English at 6.30am – we were not due to start teaching until 8.00am and so was quite a surprise! We washed and dressed, ready to teach in the Pastor’s home where he had brought 14 desks especially for us from the local school. His house is all open-plan with dirt floors, with both corrugated iron and thatched roofing.
Calum teaching English
We taught the basic English phrases and words, played games and after talked about God’s grace which the Pastor had asked to do (10 minutes prior to doing it!). It’s a simple concept for us to understand with our upbringing, but how do we explain God’s grace simply? You can’t explain grace until you explain everything else! But how can they understand that without first explaining who Jesus was, and is? And more to the point, we feel many of you reading this now would be far more qualified to teach on God’s grace than us! We followed from yesterday’s creation story and used John 1v14 and 3v16 to introduce who Jesus is, what he has done for us and his incredible grace for us. We had them shout out once again Jesus loves me! This thus started the beginning of a series of talks on grace over the following days. It’s good to know we can prepare a talk in a couple of minutes though.
We talked about the Good Samaritan to try and further explain God’s grace in the afternoon, as they were a younger class but had similar English lessons. Over the 3 days in Bos Thom we believe we taught nearly 150 children English and the bible, all the desks were filled, with children spilling outside the building in both lessons. We sang songs and both taught and learned new games with the children. By the time we left, Ultimate Frisbee was played continually and a game called ‘Ninja’ was played everywhere we looked! It was so much hotter in the afternoons, playing games was exhausting and none of us had sweat quite like we did in Bos Thom, with such a relentless thirst for water. We drank 50 litres between the three of us, and Dara, whilst we there– in a neighbouring village, Khvai Thom, people have just 5 litres of water between two people per day in which to drink, wash, cook, everything. And yet, without drinking that water we would have been dehydrated very quickly.
We looked around some of the village with the Pastor walking through fields. We visited a family who had made their home in just three days from bamboo and grass thatched roofing; amazing.
The Bamboo home we visited
The family who live there
Alex scaring the family
Other than a few plastic items, both here and across the village, we recon that the village would have looked little different 500 plus years ago; and we are unfortunately not joking when saying this. Everything is so simple, not over complicated and resourceful – the bamboo and thatch were all from the surrounding fields. There is such a contrast in the world in which we live and in Cambodia (indeed any third world country), the contrast between poverty and wealth is so great and it hits us even more so as we live it and even then, it seems unreal that we live in a world with such contrasts like this.
Wednesday: Today was our 100th day since leaving home for Cambodia! We once again woke this morning to the sound of children eager to learn English at 6.30am. We continued with the English basics and then had the children act out Jesus healing the paralytic man in Mark 2 and later that afternoon acted out the story of Zacchaeus.
Paul teaching the Bible
We visited some of the Christian households in the village near the Pastor’s house after teaching in the afternoon and we met a woman who was making roof thatch. A 2 metre strip, which takes a good hour to make, sells for just 500 riel, about 7 pence. Another women we met earns 2 ½ US dollars a day, under 2 pounds. There are next to no job opportunities and so at least they are earning something. We paid Pastor Saruet $90 for the four days we were there; a lot of money, we first thought, when living is so inexpensive. This was somewhat short sighted as that money will be able to be used in the village to help people who really need it. We only hope they didn’t use too much for our short stay. One lady asked if we had houses like hers in our country, a small bamboo/grass thatched house. The answer we gave was hardly adequate but we couldn’t just lie. Our lives are just so different – all because we were born in Britain and she in a remote Cambodian village. One man had had his land invaded by a family and was writing a handwritten letter to the police and village chief seeking justice to have them removed; though what happens to those people once they are removed with nowhere to live, we don’t know.
That evening we spent the night learning to write Khmer and colouring with the Pastor’s children. After three days, everyone was so comfortable with us around and despite having a very evident language barrier we had great fun with them. So many of the children are very confident, joyful, servant hearted and could go so far, however we wonder how they can when growing up in a place like this. One boy, called Lee Hua, in particular shone out to us, a natural leader and spoke some good English already. We later discovered he was once a Safe Haven child, but one year ago he moved to live with his grandmother in Bos Thom. It is so good for us to see a child leave the Safe Haven and fit so easily back into ‘the real world’, so we were delighted to see that, but it just makes us think about his future, how different it will be living here. We played endless games and sang songs all evening and finished by praying for all the children, the Pastor, his family and the village. The Pastor asked that we prayed for: his church (its growth, finance and a building), an English teacher, help with making the ground higher at the school as it floods in the rainy season, the family who had their land taken and medicine. What an incredible evening and three days.
Just before going to bed Pastor Saruet asked us how we thought his church could grow and have more money in the collection. We have been challenged by so many questions the last few days but this we just did not know how to answer. How do you? He will know more than we do in running a church. How can you expect people to give when they have such a small income which is so precious, integral to their survival? God asks that we give a tithe and what we can, so even if they do just that – there’s still hardly anything to make any real change. All we knew to say was to pray and to know to trust in God that he will always provide in the best possible way. So often with questions like these, we don’t know what to say and so refer to what we do, but please pray that when we are challenged and faced with such difficult situations and questions, that we would know what to say. We are all called to be the hands and feet of Jesus, but we cannot do things in our own strength. We need the Almighty, Holy and living God by our side.
Thursday: We unfortunately left on Thursday on a bit of a low note as was Alex ill. At a time when Alex needed to keep his fluid levels up, with nearly no water left, Paul went to buy a 12 bottle pack of water from the local shop. This cost just 3 dollars for 12 bottles; he had to walk past the woman who earned just 2 ½ dollars a day – she could never afford that and yet we needed it. We finished teaching English and spoke on Jesus walking on the water in Matthew 14. We wanted to speak to everyone about how walking with Jesus and being a Christian is a leap of faith. As Peter did, we need to step out of the boat and know that even when we are in trouble, Jesus will immediately catch us. Following Jesus is a risk, but it’s worth the chance of eternal life. Just because we can’t see God, doesn’t mean he’s not there; but we’re not going to see unless we come to him. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed, John 20v29.
When we arrived on Monday, the children could hardly speak any English. When we left on Thursday they could say: Hello, Goodbye, Sorry, Please, Thank you, How are you?, I am fine, What is your name?, my name is ... , How old are you, I am ... years old and count from 1 to 20. We were so thrilled with their effort. As we left they didn’t want to say goodbye and didn’t want to see us go, nor did we. If Alex wasn’t ill we would all have loved to stay longer, we hope the Pastor didn’t think it was his fault. We had the most incredible week. Our eyes have been widened further both mentally and spiritually. Living in a village which would be little dissimilar in AD 1500 and seeing Jesus in Bos Thom village through the children, the church and Pastor Saruet. Speaking on God’s grace has shown us how God’s grace and love reaches everyone. The world would consider this village to be the least, the lost and the last. But Jesus loves them, his grace reaches them and they are some of the most amazing people we’ve met.
On our return to Poipet, Paul taught at the Safe Haven in the afternoon whilst Calum stayed with Alex, who is now fine and well. The following day we had a quiet morning and in the afternoon we had the weekly prayer meeting at the Safe Haven where we had the staff write prayers on coloured pieces of paper and put them around the site as a sort of prayer walk. In the evening we had a home church, spending time with Emily and Sarah, praying, worshiping God, listening to a talk and catching up from the past week. It is so great to have fellowship with each other.
Please continue to pray for us as your support is so very appreciated.
Alex, Calum and Paul
If you are having trouble writing a comment on the blog, and want to write a comment, please email them to ... transformcambodia2010@gmail.com
Monday: We left for Bos Thom with Dara (our translator for the time away; he was invaluable, and we could not have achieved what we did without him, we are so grateful for his help). We stayed with Pastor Saruet, one of two Pastors at Bos Thom, with his family of eight. We were honoured and privileged to be the first foreigners to stay in the village. He is comparatively well off in the village of 1000 people, with a moto, house, toilet (squatty potty), pond, chickens, pigs, ducks and geese. We arrived late morning and were introduced to the Pastor and his family. We had no real idea exactly what we would be doing over the next four days; as is the case so often in Cambodia, you just need to dig a bit deeper and ask the right questions!
Pastor Saruet
CHO helped this village hugely by building a school, water pond, and started the church that Pastor Saruet runs. Many people used to get very sick before the pond was built; now they have access to clean fresh water. We learned on the last day that Pastor Saruet’s eldest daughter collects water from the pond every morning at 4.00am to replenish the family’s supplies. She carried two 20 litre buckets hung on a bamboo pole over her shoulder; we struggle to lift one on our own.
That afternoon, we taught English and did a bible class in the local school. Teaching at safe haven was good preparation! The majority of children had not learned English before, so we made a start with basic words, numbers and phrases. Everywhere we go the children are so similar, happy, smiley, and keen to learn, we love working with them! After some games, we started our bible classes with the creation story; we then asked the children if they had heard any of this before. Not one hand went up, out of a hundred. This knocked us for six. We wanted and knew we had to share the good news with them. Though, how do you tell anyone of the good news of Jesus and God’s unfailing love in just five half hour slots over three days? And that said, really only three/two sessions (there were two different classes in the morning and afternoons). It is such a privilege to serve and worship an unchanging God who is the same yesterday, today and forever; sharing the message with those who have not heard of Jesus’ name is what it’s all about. We got them to shout out: Preah jibijah slor’lang knhom! (God loves me!) It was a start that we would build on later in the week.
In the time whilst we were at the village they cooked us great meals. We found it so difficult however, to eat their food when they have so little. They insisted though and it is rude not to eat the food they’ve prepared. That said, the thing we found the hardest was how they fussed over us. We were honoured by their generosity which we couldn’t refuse but it was hard to accept sometimes. On Monday evening we spent the time playing endless games, drinking a lot of water and sweating! We brought a Frisbee with us and taught them ‘Ultimate Frisbee’ which they loved and despite playing some very odd Khmer games we had fun. The evening was lit up by the most amazing lightning storm we’ve ever seen – quite incredible. Our bed for the next three nights was a few wooden planks with a small, thin mat separating us from the boards, surrounded by a mosquito net – not the most comfortable nights we’ve had but how could we (how dare we) complain when this is what they have everyday of their lives.
Tuesday: We woke, Tuesday morning, to the embarrassment of having fifty children ready to learn English at 6.30am – we were not due to start teaching until 8.00am and so was quite a surprise! We washed and dressed, ready to teach in the Pastor’s home where he had brought 14 desks especially for us from the local school. His house is all open-plan with dirt floors, with both corrugated iron and thatched roofing.
Calum teaching English
We taught the basic English phrases and words, played games and after talked about God’s grace which the Pastor had asked to do (10 minutes prior to doing it!). It’s a simple concept for us to understand with our upbringing, but how do we explain God’s grace simply? You can’t explain grace until you explain everything else! But how can they understand that without first explaining who Jesus was, and is? And more to the point, we feel many of you reading this now would be far more qualified to teach on God’s grace than us! We followed from yesterday’s creation story and used John 1v14 and 3v16 to introduce who Jesus is, what he has done for us and his incredible grace for us. We had them shout out once again Jesus loves me! This thus started the beginning of a series of talks on grace over the following days. It’s good to know we can prepare a talk in a couple of minutes though.
We talked about the Good Samaritan to try and further explain God’s grace in the afternoon, as they were a younger class but had similar English lessons. Over the 3 days in Bos Thom we believe we taught nearly 150 children English and the bible, all the desks were filled, with children spilling outside the building in both lessons. We sang songs and both taught and learned new games with the children. By the time we left, Ultimate Frisbee was played continually and a game called ‘Ninja’ was played everywhere we looked! It was so much hotter in the afternoons, playing games was exhausting and none of us had sweat quite like we did in Bos Thom, with such a relentless thirst for water. We drank 50 litres between the three of us, and Dara, whilst we there– in a neighbouring village, Khvai Thom, people have just 5 litres of water between two people per day in which to drink, wash, cook, everything. And yet, without drinking that water we would have been dehydrated very quickly.
We looked around some of the village with the Pastor walking through fields. We visited a family who had made their home in just three days from bamboo and grass thatched roofing; amazing.
The Bamboo home we visited
The family who live there
Alex scaring the family
Other than a few plastic items, both here and across the village, we recon that the village would have looked little different 500 plus years ago; and we are unfortunately not joking when saying this. Everything is so simple, not over complicated and resourceful – the bamboo and thatch were all from the surrounding fields. There is such a contrast in the world in which we live and in Cambodia (indeed any third world country), the contrast between poverty and wealth is so great and it hits us even more so as we live it and even then, it seems unreal that we live in a world with such contrasts like this.
Wednesday: Today was our 100th day since leaving home for Cambodia! We once again woke this morning to the sound of children eager to learn English at 6.30am. We continued with the English basics and then had the children act out Jesus healing the paralytic man in Mark 2 and later that afternoon acted out the story of Zacchaeus.
Paul teaching the Bible
We visited some of the Christian households in the village near the Pastor’s house after teaching in the afternoon and we met a woman who was making roof thatch. A 2 metre strip, which takes a good hour to make, sells for just 500 riel, about 7 pence. Another women we met earns 2 ½ US dollars a day, under 2 pounds. There are next to no job opportunities and so at least they are earning something. We paid Pastor Saruet $90 for the four days we were there; a lot of money, we first thought, when living is so inexpensive. This was somewhat short sighted as that money will be able to be used in the village to help people who really need it. We only hope they didn’t use too much for our short stay. One lady asked if we had houses like hers in our country, a small bamboo/grass thatched house. The answer we gave was hardly adequate but we couldn’t just lie. Our lives are just so different – all because we were born in Britain and she in a remote Cambodian village. One man had had his land invaded by a family and was writing a handwritten letter to the police and village chief seeking justice to have them removed; though what happens to those people once they are removed with nowhere to live, we don’t know.
That evening we spent the night learning to write Khmer and colouring with the Pastor’s children. After three days, everyone was so comfortable with us around and despite having a very evident language barrier we had great fun with them. So many of the children are very confident, joyful, servant hearted and could go so far, however we wonder how they can when growing up in a place like this. One boy, called Lee Hua, in particular shone out to us, a natural leader and spoke some good English already. We later discovered he was once a Safe Haven child, but one year ago he moved to live with his grandmother in Bos Thom. It is so good for us to see a child leave the Safe Haven and fit so easily back into ‘the real world’, so we were delighted to see that, but it just makes us think about his future, how different it will be living here. We played endless games and sang songs all evening and finished by praying for all the children, the Pastor, his family and the village. The Pastor asked that we prayed for: his church (its growth, finance and a building), an English teacher, help with making the ground higher at the school as it floods in the rainy season, the family who had their land taken and medicine. What an incredible evening and three days.
Just before going to bed Pastor Saruet asked us how we thought his church could grow and have more money in the collection. We have been challenged by so many questions the last few days but this we just did not know how to answer. How do you? He will know more than we do in running a church. How can you expect people to give when they have such a small income which is so precious, integral to their survival? God asks that we give a tithe and what we can, so even if they do just that – there’s still hardly anything to make any real change. All we knew to say was to pray and to know to trust in God that he will always provide in the best possible way. So often with questions like these, we don’t know what to say and so refer to what we do, but please pray that when we are challenged and faced with such difficult situations and questions, that we would know what to say. We are all called to be the hands and feet of Jesus, but we cannot do things in our own strength. We need the Almighty, Holy and living God by our side.
Thursday: We unfortunately left on Thursday on a bit of a low note as was Alex ill. At a time when Alex needed to keep his fluid levels up, with nearly no water left, Paul went to buy a 12 bottle pack of water from the local shop. This cost just 3 dollars for 12 bottles; he had to walk past the woman who earned just 2 ½ dollars a day – she could never afford that and yet we needed it. We finished teaching English and spoke on Jesus walking on the water in Matthew 14. We wanted to speak to everyone about how walking with Jesus and being a Christian is a leap of faith. As Peter did, we need to step out of the boat and know that even when we are in trouble, Jesus will immediately catch us. Following Jesus is a risk, but it’s worth the chance of eternal life. Just because we can’t see God, doesn’t mean he’s not there; but we’re not going to see unless we come to him. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed, John 20v29.
When we arrived on Monday, the children could hardly speak any English. When we left on Thursday they could say: Hello, Goodbye, Sorry, Please, Thank you, How are you?, I am fine, What is your name?, my name is ... , How old are you, I am ... years old and count from 1 to 20. We were so thrilled with their effort. As we left they didn’t want to say goodbye and didn’t want to see us go, nor did we. If Alex wasn’t ill we would all have loved to stay longer, we hope the Pastor didn’t think it was his fault. We had the most incredible week. Our eyes have been widened further both mentally and spiritually. Living in a village which would be little dissimilar in AD 1500 and seeing Jesus in Bos Thom village through the children, the church and Pastor Saruet. Speaking on God’s grace has shown us how God’s grace and love reaches everyone. The world would consider this village to be the least, the lost and the last. But Jesus loves them, his grace reaches them and they are some of the most amazing people we’ve met.
On our return to Poipet, Paul taught at the Safe Haven in the afternoon whilst Calum stayed with Alex, who is now fine and well. The following day we had a quiet morning and in the afternoon we had the weekly prayer meeting at the Safe Haven where we had the staff write prayers on coloured pieces of paper and put them around the site as a sort of prayer walk. In the evening we had a home church, spending time with Emily and Sarah, praying, worshiping God, listening to a talk and catching up from the past week. It is so great to have fellowship with each other.
Please continue to pray for us as your support is so very appreciated.
Alex, Calum and Paul
If you are having trouble writing a comment on the blog, and want to write a comment, please email them to ... transformcambodia2010@gmail.com
Saturday, 24 April 2010
10th - 24th April
(left to right) Alex, Paul, Calum at the Esplanade, Singapore
Hello, greetings from Cambodia. We are back safely in Poipet after a great holiday in Singapore.
Last week was Khmer New Year; a national holiday when everyone goes home to their family for a week, meaning Cambodia effectively closes down. Paul and his brother, who has been visiting for the week, went to Siem Reap to see the temples for the weekend whilst Alex and Calum stayed in Poipet. Seeing as all the CHO staff are on holiday we decided to take a holiday and visit Calum’s cousin in Singapore. We travelled to Bangkok on Tuesday the 13th where we would fly out to Singapore to next day. Thai New Year is at the same time as Khmer New Year; both nations celebrate the New Year with water fights and by smearing each other with powder and paste. Driving through the streets of Bangkok was incredible; everywhere you looked people were having fun, pick-up trucks drove round with water tanks and people on the back having water fights with those on the street, it was a so nice to see this instead of all the violence that has happened over the past weeks in this city. Calum flew out on the 14th and Paul and Alex on the 15th as we booked flights at different times, some poor planning! Chris (Paul’s brother) flew back to the UK on the 14th just after Calum. We all loved having him around, being able to talk to a familiar face and showing him what we are doing here and it’s a big effort to travel all this way for just 2 weeks and so we really appreciate it, thank you!
Calum’s cousin Fiona and her husband Ewan moved to Singapore two years ago from Scotland. They are both teachers and love living in Singapore. Being so close to Singapore it made sense for Calum to come and visit them and they very kindly offered us the spare room in their apartment, which we greatly appreciated. Singapore is a city state, and there are a lot of city type things to do. We spent Friday looking around the city centre, it’s a rich city and the CBD is full of skyscrapers. It was great to wonder round these really interesting buildings including a hotel which is 3 tower blocks joined by a ship on the top and the flamboyant Esplanade arts centre. The next day we played football with Ewan and his friends in the morning and then went to their church in the evening. Their church, ‘City Harvest’, has over 33,000 people, which is just incredible. There are 4 services over the weekend and sitting in the middle of a congregation of 8,000 people all praying in tongues worshipping God really is a powerful experience and something we will treasure for a long time; the power of God was in that place. The service was about unforgiveness and at the end people came up to be prayed for. The whole church prayed for these people and we thought that the size of the church would mean that it would be really impersonal, but as they prayed for their brothers and sisters up the front, you could really tell that they cared. The church is split up into zones and then into cell groups, who have weekly meetings, praying, worshiping, sharing testimonies in their week and fellowship, so after the service we went out with Fiona and Ewan’s cell group for a meal. We were really impressed with the Singaporean Christians we met; they are so kind and hospitable and really can’t do enough for you. The next day we went to the beach on a smaller island attached to Singapore called Sentosa. The sun was shining, the sand was white and the water warm, ye cannae beat it!
Singapore has a great zoo, which we went to on the Monday. If you want a good day out, then you really cannot beat going to a zoo, they had all the family favourites, of which we especially liked the jaguars, elephants, sea lions and monkeys. It rained everyday in Singapore, at least a little (which was awesome!), and Monday was no exception, with a torrential downpour of biblical proportions as we were going back to the apartment. OK, maybe not, but it was really rainy, alright?!
We spent our final day in Singapore shopping in the city and spent the evening with Fiona and Ewan. We are so grateful to them for letting us stay at their apartment – it was amazing to have a hot shower! After a somewhat long journey the following day, including travelling in a very small plane (4 seats across!), we retuned home to Poipet on Wednesday evening. The taxi driver who took us back to Poipet was a Christian and was the first in his village. In a similar way to Chomno, he became a Christian by studying English. His parents were hostile towards him when he came to faith and his father burnt his bible. Just one year later his whole family became Christians through his determination and now his father is a pastor of a church and many people in the village are also Christians because of him. It was such an incredible and encouraging story to have heard and just shows how valuable the work of the church is.
For the rest of the week we have been back to work as usual, building, moving gravel, teaching and Alex did a morning devotion this week on patience. It was lovely to see the children at the Safe Haven again as they bring such light to our day. We have been told that they were asking after us all week and had missed us so we were pleased to see them! Calum has been unfortunately been a little ill the past few days but is well again now. Next week we have a change to our week routine as we are going to be staying in a village called Bos Thom for four days. We are looking forward to spending time there but please pray for us next week.
Thank you for all your support and particularly your prayers
With our love,
Alex, Calum and Paul xxx
Ps. We understand that some of you have been having difficulties posting comments on the blog. If you want to write a comment (as we love to read them and receive any news from home), please email them to ... transformcambodia2010@gmail.com
Saturday, 10 April 2010
27th March – 9th April
Firstly we would like to apologise for the delay in writing this blog! There is no real excuse other than we couldn’t be bothered during two busy weeks! Secondly we would therefore like to apologise for the length of this blog!
Looking two weekends back we spent the day with Kip, visiting the old market and looking around the ‘Hope Transformation Centre’- the new addition to CHO’s properties; we went swimming at one of the casinos also. Vuthy invited us for a meal that evening and so we spent the evening with him and his family, eating his wife’s fantastic food. She makes the best pumpkin desert, which is ridiculously sweet and we will all have to learn how to make it before we come home! The following day after the morning Palm Sunday church service, the wonderful Allan and Andrene left CHO to go on a short holiday in Thailand, before returning to Scotland. They are the most wonderful, inspirational couple with hearts of gold and they are already dearly missed both by us and those at CHO. They gave so much and put their all into CHO and in particular the Safe Haven and the school there. They treated us as though we were their sons and we thought of them as our parents. They truly settled us into life at CHO as we arrived just a week apart and so it was a shame to see them go as they have been with us almost every step of the way. In the afternoon we spent the time preparing for the next two weeks at the safe haven school where the children would design and make Islands. We put them in 8 groups of 6 and they drew the island, named it, made a flag, drew the animals, made up rules for the island, wrote where the island is in the world, what the weather is like and then finally built it. The project finished on the 9th where we gave out some prizes. We were all so impressed and proud of them, with their efforts and the final islands they made – so original and exciting!
In the mornings for both weeks, we spent much of the time either continuing to put manure in bags for the plant nursery, flattening the ground at the side of the Safe Haven for a water trench (for when the rainy season hits in a few months), but much of the time was spent helping to build a new house at the Safe Haven, laying bricks and cement. The sooner this house is complete the sooner more vulnerable children can be taken into the Safe Haven. Last Tuesday evening, Matt and Nori had a farewell dinner with several ex-pats working for various charities in the Poipet area at the Japanese buffet in the casino area. Matt and Nori have been working for CHO for just over a year now and are now heading back home to Melbourne, Australia. We enjoyed spending time with them and it suddenly dawned on us that just as Allan and Andrene left, they were about to as well.
On Thursday Paul’s brother, Chris, came to stay and work with us for two weeks. He brought with him lots of useful things, for which we are very grateful. It has been nice to have another British face and voice around Poipet as we are so used to hearing either Khmer, Australians or Americans. We had a fantastic service on Good Friday at the Safe Haven, where we led the children in singing “O Happy Day” – they’re cheeky, toothy (or not so) grins were a delight to see and we felt so proud of them. That evening we had one of our final home church services with Matt and Nori and the most exciting thing happened – Matt made HOT CROSS BUNS! Wowee, felt like being right back at home!
Last weekend we spent much of Saturday showing Chris around Poipet, to the market and around the city. That afternoon Emily had organised a treasure hunt for Matt and Nori all over the city of Poipet: to CHO, the photocopying shop, the fruit market, the old market, street food vendors and finally to the virtually unused golf course in the casino area, where the rest of us organised a picnic for them (with balloons!). They had to take pictures, buy things they had never bought before and the like. It was a fun afternoon, completed by haning out at their house. We visited Don Bosco on Sunday afternoon after church with an American team. We played Ultimate Frisbee with them for the afternoon, and just as we were about to go home, we realised the van had a flat tyre. This was particularly annoying as we were once again invited to a meal with Vuthy’s family which we were looking forward to, especially as we knew how good the food is! This added an interesting new twist to the week as it turned out this was to be the first flat of two! Luckily this time we had all the tools available to us and we were off soon after we were halted. The second flat tyre, however, happened in a rather far out village, when we were visiting a school on a mat. After playing games, as we turned to go home, the van was sitting at a rather jaunty angle. With no jack and the incorrect tools, this delayed us quite some time. We eventually got the spare tyre onto the van – which also turned out to be flat (almost)! We did return home to Poipet on both occasions, but it made for more exciting travelling! On Sunday evening we ate Vuthy’s wonderful wife’s wonderful food and then had our first Sunday STREET evening. This project is so exciting so please continue to pray for its development and that it would be fruitful.
This week we once again moved bricks (totalling over 3,000 bricks in the last few months), levelled ground and laid bricks. On Tuesday evening we had our last home church with Matt and Nori and listened to Alex’s dad speak, where he included a shout out for us which made the evening! (Alex’s dad is a Vicar in Gloucester and we have been fortunate enough to listen to his talks each week). The CHO staff had a leaving party for Matt and Nori on Wednesday evening and so we spent the evening enjoying Khmer dancing and sticky rice with fresh mango, fresh lychees and banana cake! They left the following morning and it was such a lovely way to see the two of them sent off. They really inspire us and have been so helpful in settling us into life in Poipet and Cambodia. It has been great to have the insight of westerners in the culture and explaining how they do things that we do not always understand! We will miss them as over the nearly 3 months we’ve been here we have grown to love them, enjoy our time with them and we’d like to thank them once again for all they have done for us.
That Thursday evening, two western men in their lat 30s approached Alex and Paul just outside the CHO offices and asked them where they could find bars with girls (brothels). We were near speechless. We turned to them and put them straight, explaining we are Christians and don’t believe in that sort of thing, and in short, told them to go. We both wish we had said more to them, put them straight further – it makes our skin crawl that all these two fat, greasy men wanted was a beer and a brothel girl for the evening and would travel Poipet to find it. It is disgusting. As it happened, that evening we went with the American team to go to the brothels of Poipet and hand out bags containing soap, tooth brushes, scrunchies, etc. - however the first 3 places we went, where there are lots of brothels, had all been shut down by the police - a big answer to prayer. We did however find a brothel slightly further out of town which had girls looking rather care-free, all provocatively dressed outside the door to which we handed these bags to and prayed for them. The three of us did feel somewhat awkward, as guys, but it showed something being there, as we were not there for the reason most men normally go for. We did have to leave 10 minutes later, after praying, because the brothel owner wanted us to go as ‘the men were coming’. Again, disgusting - it made us think of those men we met earlier that day. We only hope they didn’t find anywhere and still wish we had said more to them.
The girls in these brothels on average pull 15-20 men per night. Since 2005, the rate of tourists coming to Thailand alone has increased from 2 million to 11 million - 80% of whom are single men. This world so often seems so full of the devil, and in much of this part of the world; our heart cries out for them. Please pray with us that Jesus would sweep across these nations and his saving grace would enter the hearts of many; that the good news of Jesus and his Kingdom would reach everyone. CHO do incredible work with many of the girls at the brothels, but please pray for them; both praising God that many have now been shut down, but also that the rest would also close and that the sex industry and trafficking would STOP. NOW! It is not right. We want to see a change in Poipet, Cambodia and Asia so please pray for Jesus’ transforming power to sweep across Asia and for the church’s development.
We were thrilled to hear that the Safe Haven children would be going to visit the Angkor temples over the Khmer New Year period for the weekend as they rarely leave the four walls of the site. Paul and Chris are to visit Siem Reap for the weekend also. Chris leaves Cambodia next Wednesday on the 14th, and with Chris, we ourselves will be leaving Cambodia to visit Calum's cousin in Singapore for a week (Transform + Connollys = sobei sobei - Happy Happy!). We leave on the 14th/15th and return on the 21st to Thailand and the 22nd to Poipet so please pray for our safety in travel and that we would return to work fully restored and ready to give 100 per cent into all we do.
With our love, grace and peace,
Alex, Calum and Paul xx
Looking two weekends back we spent the day with Kip, visiting the old market and looking around the ‘Hope Transformation Centre’- the new addition to CHO’s properties; we went swimming at one of the casinos also. Vuthy invited us for a meal that evening and so we spent the evening with him and his family, eating his wife’s fantastic food. She makes the best pumpkin desert, which is ridiculously sweet and we will all have to learn how to make it before we come home! The following day after the morning Palm Sunday church service, the wonderful Allan and Andrene left CHO to go on a short holiday in Thailand, before returning to Scotland. They are the most wonderful, inspirational couple with hearts of gold and they are already dearly missed both by us and those at CHO. They gave so much and put their all into CHO and in particular the Safe Haven and the school there. They treated us as though we were their sons and we thought of them as our parents. They truly settled us into life at CHO as we arrived just a week apart and so it was a shame to see them go as they have been with us almost every step of the way. In the afternoon we spent the time preparing for the next two weeks at the safe haven school where the children would design and make Islands. We put them in 8 groups of 6 and they drew the island, named it, made a flag, drew the animals, made up rules for the island, wrote where the island is in the world, what the weather is like and then finally built it. The project finished on the 9th where we gave out some prizes. We were all so impressed and proud of them, with their efforts and the final islands they made – so original and exciting!
In the mornings for both weeks, we spent much of the time either continuing to put manure in bags for the plant nursery, flattening the ground at the side of the Safe Haven for a water trench (for when the rainy season hits in a few months), but much of the time was spent helping to build a new house at the Safe Haven, laying bricks and cement. The sooner this house is complete the sooner more vulnerable children can be taken into the Safe Haven. Last Tuesday evening, Matt and Nori had a farewell dinner with several ex-pats working for various charities in the Poipet area at the Japanese buffet in the casino area. Matt and Nori have been working for CHO for just over a year now and are now heading back home to Melbourne, Australia. We enjoyed spending time with them and it suddenly dawned on us that just as Allan and Andrene left, they were about to as well.
On Thursday Paul’s brother, Chris, came to stay and work with us for two weeks. He brought with him lots of useful things, for which we are very grateful. It has been nice to have another British face and voice around Poipet as we are so used to hearing either Khmer, Australians or Americans. We had a fantastic service on Good Friday at the Safe Haven, where we led the children in singing “O Happy Day” – they’re cheeky, toothy (or not so) grins were a delight to see and we felt so proud of them. That evening we had one of our final home church services with Matt and Nori and the most exciting thing happened – Matt made HOT CROSS BUNS! Wowee, felt like being right back at home!
Last weekend we spent much of Saturday showing Chris around Poipet, to the market and around the city. That afternoon Emily had organised a treasure hunt for Matt and Nori all over the city of Poipet: to CHO, the photocopying shop, the fruit market, the old market, street food vendors and finally to the virtually unused golf course in the casino area, where the rest of us organised a picnic for them (with balloons!). They had to take pictures, buy things they had never bought before and the like. It was a fun afternoon, completed by haning out at their house. We visited Don Bosco on Sunday afternoon after church with an American team. We played Ultimate Frisbee with them for the afternoon, and just as we were about to go home, we realised the van had a flat tyre. This was particularly annoying as we were once again invited to a meal with Vuthy’s family which we were looking forward to, especially as we knew how good the food is! This added an interesting new twist to the week as it turned out this was to be the first flat of two! Luckily this time we had all the tools available to us and we were off soon after we were halted. The second flat tyre, however, happened in a rather far out village, when we were visiting a school on a mat. After playing games, as we turned to go home, the van was sitting at a rather jaunty angle. With no jack and the incorrect tools, this delayed us quite some time. We eventually got the spare tyre onto the van – which also turned out to be flat (almost)! We did return home to Poipet on both occasions, but it made for more exciting travelling! On Sunday evening we ate Vuthy’s wonderful wife’s wonderful food and then had our first Sunday STREET evening. This project is so exciting so please continue to pray for its development and that it would be fruitful.
This week we once again moved bricks (totalling over 3,000 bricks in the last few months), levelled ground and laid bricks. On Tuesday evening we had our last home church with Matt and Nori and listened to Alex’s dad speak, where he included a shout out for us which made the evening! (Alex’s dad is a Vicar in Gloucester and we have been fortunate enough to listen to his talks each week). The CHO staff had a leaving party for Matt and Nori on Wednesday evening and so we spent the evening enjoying Khmer dancing and sticky rice with fresh mango, fresh lychees and banana cake! They left the following morning and it was such a lovely way to see the two of them sent off. They really inspire us and have been so helpful in settling us into life in Poipet and Cambodia. It has been great to have the insight of westerners in the culture and explaining how they do things that we do not always understand! We will miss them as over the nearly 3 months we’ve been here we have grown to love them, enjoy our time with them and we’d like to thank them once again for all they have done for us.
That Thursday evening, two western men in their lat 30s approached Alex and Paul just outside the CHO offices and asked them where they could find bars with girls (brothels). We were near speechless. We turned to them and put them straight, explaining we are Christians and don’t believe in that sort of thing, and in short, told them to go. We both wish we had said more to them, put them straight further – it makes our skin crawl that all these two fat, greasy men wanted was a beer and a brothel girl for the evening and would travel Poipet to find it. It is disgusting. As it happened, that evening we went with the American team to go to the brothels of Poipet and hand out bags containing soap, tooth brushes, scrunchies, etc. - however the first 3 places we went, where there are lots of brothels, had all been shut down by the police - a big answer to prayer. We did however find a brothel slightly further out of town which had girls looking rather care-free, all provocatively dressed outside the door to which we handed these bags to and prayed for them. The three of us did feel somewhat awkward, as guys, but it showed something being there, as we were not there for the reason most men normally go for. We did have to leave 10 minutes later, after praying, because the brothel owner wanted us to go as ‘the men were coming’. Again, disgusting - it made us think of those men we met earlier that day. We only hope they didn’t find anywhere and still wish we had said more to them.
The girls in these brothels on average pull 15-20 men per night. Since 2005, the rate of tourists coming to Thailand alone has increased from 2 million to 11 million - 80% of whom are single men. This world so often seems so full of the devil, and in much of this part of the world; our heart cries out for them. Please pray with us that Jesus would sweep across these nations and his saving grace would enter the hearts of many; that the good news of Jesus and his Kingdom would reach everyone. CHO do incredible work with many of the girls at the brothels, but please pray for them; both praising God that many have now been shut down, but also that the rest would also close and that the sex industry and trafficking would STOP. NOW! It is not right. We want to see a change in Poipet, Cambodia and Asia so please pray for Jesus’ transforming power to sweep across Asia and for the church’s development.
We were thrilled to hear that the Safe Haven children would be going to visit the Angkor temples over the Khmer New Year period for the weekend as they rarely leave the four walls of the site. Paul and Chris are to visit Siem Reap for the weekend also. Chris leaves Cambodia next Wednesday on the 14th, and with Chris, we ourselves will be leaving Cambodia to visit Calum's cousin in Singapore for a week (Transform + Connollys = sobei sobei - Happy Happy!). We leave on the 14th/15th and return on the 21st to Thailand and the 22nd to Poipet so please pray for our safety in travel and that we would return to work fully restored and ready to give 100 per cent into all we do.
With our love, grace and peace,
Alex, Calum and Paul xx
Thursday, 1 April 2010
20th – 26th March
This week has gone in a flash. We never seem to have a boring moment here and we love the work we are doing. Saturday started with a package arriving for Allan and Andrene which Paul and Alex went to collect with them – the package contained books, colouring pencils, paints and craft items for the Safe Haven school children and was exciting to receive. We came back to CHO in time to see the Whites leave. They were such a fun family with 6 amazing servant hearts – they have been such a blessing to CHO, especially in their healing ministry in Poipet and its surrounding villages.
In the afternoon, Calum played football with the children with one of the CHO football teams, whilst Alex and Paul went to buy a present for Vuthy (the financial manager)’s son – Botina. Botina turned 1 on Saturday and so we went to his first birthday party at their flat opposite CHO. It was lovely to have been invited and share in the party with the other CHO staff and those present.
Sunday began with a church service where Jamie talked on God’s calling (Luke 4: 17-19) – Jamie is a youth pastor in a mega-church in Virginia; he was here with 3 others from his church, who were here until Wednesday, creating a partnership with CHO and they were great to have around for the short time they were here. In the afternoon we returned to Don Bosco with Jamie where we played basketball for the afternoon. On our departure we went to the football competition prize giving briefly, where the heavens opened and we experienced the heaviest torrential rain – we were soaked to the skin and for the first time in a long time were really cold! On Monday and Tuesday we moved bricks with Jamie and a team who were visiting CHO for the day from Bangkok on Monday. They are a mission team who are doing work on the streets of Bangkok with the street children, of whom nearly all are Cambodian. We continue to teach English in the afternoon at the Safe Haven and later in the evenings at CHO. We have all learned a great deal from teaching, both about the language and ourselves in our abilities to teach despite a lack of training on our part – we all thoroughly enjoy teaching.
On Monday we had a lovely meal in the evening with Allan and Andrene, our adopted parents whilst we have been away! It was lovely to spend time with them before they leave on Sunday as they will be greatly missed, not just by us but by all of whom they have been in contact with in the 2 months they have been here. On Tuesday we had our weekly home church service where Alex led us in worship; it is always so great to be able to spend time together weekly in prayer, worship and listening to a talk.
We did not have our weekly ‘school on a mat’ classes this week as on Wednesday they were busy and Thursday had a series of events – a series of unfortunate events that stopped us from going! Calum was feeling weird on Thursday morning so only Paul and Alex went with Dara (our translator) – however we did not get far as the car overheated 10km outside Poipet, after numerous attempts to get the temperature of the car down, we were rescued by a robo-cow driver (a cart pulled by a big engine which resembles a cow pulling a wagon). They took us to a mechanic, and we arrived back at CHO at about 10.30, too late to go out again.
In the afternoon, after teaching English at the Safe Haven, we had a meeting with the Safe Haven and ‘school on a mat’ teachers. We are going to do a project with the children at the Safe Haven next week (beginning on Mon 19th) where the children design their own Island. Both we and the teachers are excited about the project so please pray that it goes well.
We had our weekly STREET outreach evening which went well, but please continue in your prayers that this would develop and be a fruitful project. As of April, we will have our STREET outreach on a Sunday evening so please keep us in your thoughts and prayers in your morning church service!
On Friday we helped to build a new house at the Safe Haven with Kip, an Australian who is with us for the week – he was Brisbane’s number one radio breakfast show DJ (for like 7 years running or something!) and is a great guy to have at CHO. We of course had the weekly prayer meeting but the week ended by having a Scottish dancing, ceilidh evening hosted by Allan and Andrene. Most of the CHO staff were there and despite some questionable dancing together with some questionable fancy dress, it was a fun evening and everyone enjoyed themselves.
We hope you are all well, thank you for your continued support and prayers. It is so wonderful to know you’re supporting us from home.
Until next time... xxx
In the afternoon, Calum played football with the children with one of the CHO football teams, whilst Alex and Paul went to buy a present for Vuthy (the financial manager)’s son – Botina. Botina turned 1 on Saturday and so we went to his first birthday party at their flat opposite CHO. It was lovely to have been invited and share in the party with the other CHO staff and those present.
Sunday began with a church service where Jamie talked on God’s calling (Luke 4: 17-19) – Jamie is a youth pastor in a mega-church in Virginia; he was here with 3 others from his church, who were here until Wednesday, creating a partnership with CHO and they were great to have around for the short time they were here. In the afternoon we returned to Don Bosco with Jamie where we played basketball for the afternoon. On our departure we went to the football competition prize giving briefly, where the heavens opened and we experienced the heaviest torrential rain – we were soaked to the skin and for the first time in a long time were really cold! On Monday and Tuesday we moved bricks with Jamie and a team who were visiting CHO for the day from Bangkok on Monday. They are a mission team who are doing work on the streets of Bangkok with the street children, of whom nearly all are Cambodian. We continue to teach English in the afternoon at the Safe Haven and later in the evenings at CHO. We have all learned a great deal from teaching, both about the language and ourselves in our abilities to teach despite a lack of training on our part – we all thoroughly enjoy teaching.
On Monday we had a lovely meal in the evening with Allan and Andrene, our adopted parents whilst we have been away! It was lovely to spend time with them before they leave on Sunday as they will be greatly missed, not just by us but by all of whom they have been in contact with in the 2 months they have been here. On Tuesday we had our weekly home church service where Alex led us in worship; it is always so great to be able to spend time together weekly in prayer, worship and listening to a talk.
We did not have our weekly ‘school on a mat’ classes this week as on Wednesday they were busy and Thursday had a series of events – a series of unfortunate events that stopped us from going! Calum was feeling weird on Thursday morning so only Paul and Alex went with Dara (our translator) – however we did not get far as the car overheated 10km outside Poipet, after numerous attempts to get the temperature of the car down, we were rescued by a robo-cow driver (a cart pulled by a big engine which resembles a cow pulling a wagon). They took us to a mechanic, and we arrived back at CHO at about 10.30, too late to go out again.
In the afternoon, after teaching English at the Safe Haven, we had a meeting with the Safe Haven and ‘school on a mat’ teachers. We are going to do a project with the children at the Safe Haven next week (beginning on Mon 19th) where the children design their own Island. Both we and the teachers are excited about the project so please pray that it goes well.
We had our weekly STREET outreach evening which went well, but please continue in your prayers that this would develop and be a fruitful project. As of April, we will have our STREET outreach on a Sunday evening so please keep us in your thoughts and prayers in your morning church service!
On Friday we helped to build a new house at the Safe Haven with Kip, an Australian who is with us for the week – he was Brisbane’s number one radio breakfast show DJ (for like 7 years running or something!) and is a great guy to have at CHO. We of course had the weekly prayer meeting but the week ended by having a Scottish dancing, ceilidh evening hosted by Allan and Andrene. Most of the CHO staff were there and despite some questionable dancing together with some questionable fancy dress, it was a fun evening and everyone enjoyed themselves.
We hope you are all well, thank you for your continued support and prayers. It is so wonderful to know you’re supporting us from home.
Until next time... xxx
Wednesday, 24 March 2010
March 13th-19th
Hello hello! We hope you are well - we are now living at a steady 38C every day and have been for the last 2 weeks; we can imagine the climate in Britain is getting warmer too?! As ever we’ve had a very busy week and have seen God do some incredible things, not least with many healings in the villages and at CHO.
Our week started with a fantastic day at Battambang – a city with the famous ‘Bamboo Train’. We travelled with Matt, Nori, Emily, Sarah and Daniel, an American who is working at CHO for a few months at the Safe Haven building sites. The Bamboo train is literally a few planks of Bamboo strapped together on top of two sets of wheels with a motor at the back. The contraption sits on a rather wobbly train track on which it races along whilst you sit on it. We had a drink at the other end of the track before returning the way we came. En route, we met another train coming the other way, and as there is only one rail, whoever has the most people stays on the track, whilst the other one has to de-rail and lets the other one pass - with ten people to their five, we won! On our return to CHO, some of the younger staff members at CHO invited us to play football with them in the Casino District, so we enjoyed a good 12 aside match. It was such a laugh and we all enjoyed playing in the coolness of the night; especially Calum who scored a hat-trick.
On Sunday we went to play games and be with the children at the Safe Haven with the white family children. This is something we should do far more often, despite the busy schedule, as although we play games with the kids everyday at the school, it is in a school environment as opposed to a more homely one. We think the day was summed up in the words of one of the older children, Konghua, when he said: “Today, I am happy” – we heartily agreed.
In the evening, Calum and Paul shaved Alex’s head. Don’t worry - everyone was surprised at how well it turned out, and he actually quite likes it (though for anyone at home wondering, it won’t be staying)!
The week started with making and moving bricks at the safe haven. CHO make all their own bricks by mixing concrete sand and water together and then compressing it in the brick mould; it all takes a matter of seconds and the bricks can be used after 2 days of being made, once they have dried out in the sun. We continue to teach English, a bible story and play games with the children, now in the afternoon, from Monday to Thursday. In the evening Sue and Astird arrived – Sue is the head of the Tearfund Transform and Astrid the head of Knowledge (lol) at Tearfund and so we were delighted to see them and talk about the work we have been doing. On Tuesday, together with Rothena and Reatrey (senior CHO managers), we took Sue and Astrid around the CHO projects so they could see the work that CHO does, as neither of them had been before. They were amazed at how diverse CHO are in their work; the HIV/AIDS hospital, motorbike training school, sewing classes, the safe houses, the agriculture projects, the school on a mats and of course the Safe Haven.
Harley and Shelia White, together with others at CHO have been praying for healing for the sick in Poipet and in the surrounding villages. Whilst we were showing Sue and Astrid around the CHO projects, they visited the Khvai Thom village, a remote settlement riddled with landmines which was once a Khmer Rouge stronghold, and now is inhabited by their descendents— the marginalised of society. They saw God move in ways unknown to so many present. We have seen God work wonders in the villages and at CHO. God has such a heart for the lost, and we really saw that this week. In the rainy season some areas in the village will have up to ten feet of water and yet at this time of year they have none. At present, two people will share just 5 litres of water to wash their body and clothes, to drink and cook; and it isn't even clean. Satan has such a hold of this country, and that is why the work that CHO do is so important.
We have seen the lame walk, the blind see, the deaf hear, those who have been hindered by physical problems all their lives, healed in an instant. Throughout the time spent in these villages God has truly changed the lives of people and we have seen the beauty of people coming to the Lord and recognising Jesus as their saviour. Amongst so many miracles, a young women who had been unable to walk for years and who had completely crippled hands can now walk a kilometre a day, can clasp items with her hands and her continuous headaches are gone. This happened within two visits, one week apart. She is now not going to the local pagoda, but the local CHO church—her life has been changed forever. Praise the Lord! Please pray with us that this will kick start a Jesus generation.
A highlight in the week for us is the weekly home church, to which we look forward to greatly; we were led in worship by Paul this week and we listened to an interesting talk on Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount – An Eye for an Eye. The day became truly complete when Paul and Calum followed in Alex’s footsteps, having their hair cut too; Paul a similar all over trim and Calum with what has become a rather controversial Mohican!
This week, the white family introduced the game– ‘Ninja’! The game has slightly taken over Poipet and we predict Cambodia also! We have found that some people are playing the game before we have even taught it to them and we’re yet to find a group of people who don’t enjoy it – and don’t worry all at home who are interested will surely be taught on our return!
We continue to visit the mat projects on Wednesday and Thursday and play games with them, now in the morning. This week at the Safe Haven school we taught the children, with the White family, “Happy Day”! With the guitar accompaniment, it was an incredible moment when they had learnt it and were singing Tim Hughes’ song around the Safe Haven site, dancing round the classroom and singing at the top of their lungs.
This song, among others, continued to resound around the streets of Poipet on Thursday evening at the Street church outreach where we saw a few more people attending. This project has such potential so please pray with us as we want to actively take Christ’s message on to the street so that it would be fruitful. We are excited to see how God will use this project to bring his kingdom into the heart of Cambodia.
Both Calum and Alex led morning devotions this week and we led the afternoon prayer meeting on Friday. We had our first noticeable mega mistranslation where, in short, it was said that the bible means diarrhoea! We were trying to explain that the Greek word for ‘babbling’, which sounds like diarrhoea, is the origin of the phrase “diarrhoea of the mouth”, but was misunderstood along the line. It was quickly cleared up, much to the amusement of all who were there and it will teach us not to be too clever with our talks! Despite the misunderstanding, the prayer meeting was followed by healings once again. A woman who was totally deaf in one ear was completely healed, Paul’s hearing in his left ear hadn’t been great, but about an hour after prayer, his hearing was restored! Allan who has suffered also from deafness for 30 years had improvement in his hearing. He had torn his tendon a year ago and has suffered from a knot in his ankle ever since, but today we was healed and can now walk normally again – how great is our God! Healing is such a new experience for us, but we know that this is God’s will for his children. We see it in the bible and we see it now – it is so easy to do and anyone is ‘qualified’ because it is about God, not us.
Thank you for all your support from home and thank you to those of you who have posted letters as it really is so lovely to receive post from home! Keep the emails, post and comments coming!
With our love, thoughts and prayers...
Alex, Paul and Calum
Our week started with a fantastic day at Battambang – a city with the famous ‘Bamboo Train’. We travelled with Matt, Nori, Emily, Sarah and Daniel, an American who is working at CHO for a few months at the Safe Haven building sites. The Bamboo train is literally a few planks of Bamboo strapped together on top of two sets of wheels with a motor at the back. The contraption sits on a rather wobbly train track on which it races along whilst you sit on it. We had a drink at the other end of the track before returning the way we came. En route, we met another train coming the other way, and as there is only one rail, whoever has the most people stays on the track, whilst the other one has to de-rail and lets the other one pass - with ten people to their five, we won! On our return to CHO, some of the younger staff members at CHO invited us to play football with them in the Casino District, so we enjoyed a good 12 aside match. It was such a laugh and we all enjoyed playing in the coolness of the night; especially Calum who scored a hat-trick.
On Sunday we went to play games and be with the children at the Safe Haven with the white family children. This is something we should do far more often, despite the busy schedule, as although we play games with the kids everyday at the school, it is in a school environment as opposed to a more homely one. We think the day was summed up in the words of one of the older children, Konghua, when he said: “Today, I am happy” – we heartily agreed.
In the evening, Calum and Paul shaved Alex’s head. Don’t worry - everyone was surprised at how well it turned out, and he actually quite likes it (though for anyone at home wondering, it won’t be staying)!
The week started with making and moving bricks at the safe haven. CHO make all their own bricks by mixing concrete sand and water together and then compressing it in the brick mould; it all takes a matter of seconds and the bricks can be used after 2 days of being made, once they have dried out in the sun. We continue to teach English, a bible story and play games with the children, now in the afternoon, from Monday to Thursday. In the evening Sue and Astird arrived – Sue is the head of the Tearfund Transform and Astrid the head of Knowledge (lol) at Tearfund and so we were delighted to see them and talk about the work we have been doing. On Tuesday, together with Rothena and Reatrey (senior CHO managers), we took Sue and Astrid around the CHO projects so they could see the work that CHO does, as neither of them had been before. They were amazed at how diverse CHO are in their work; the HIV/AIDS hospital, motorbike training school, sewing classes, the safe houses, the agriculture projects, the school on a mats and of course the Safe Haven.
Harley and Shelia White, together with others at CHO have been praying for healing for the sick in Poipet and in the surrounding villages. Whilst we were showing Sue and Astrid around the CHO projects, they visited the Khvai Thom village, a remote settlement riddled with landmines which was once a Khmer Rouge stronghold, and now is inhabited by their descendents— the marginalised of society. They saw God move in ways unknown to so many present. We have seen God work wonders in the villages and at CHO. God has such a heart for the lost, and we really saw that this week. In the rainy season some areas in the village will have up to ten feet of water and yet at this time of year they have none. At present, two people will share just 5 litres of water to wash their body and clothes, to drink and cook; and it isn't even clean. Satan has such a hold of this country, and that is why the work that CHO do is so important.
We have seen the lame walk, the blind see, the deaf hear, those who have been hindered by physical problems all their lives, healed in an instant. Throughout the time spent in these villages God has truly changed the lives of people and we have seen the beauty of people coming to the Lord and recognising Jesus as their saviour. Amongst so many miracles, a young women who had been unable to walk for years and who had completely crippled hands can now walk a kilometre a day, can clasp items with her hands and her continuous headaches are gone. This happened within two visits, one week apart. She is now not going to the local pagoda, but the local CHO church—her life has been changed forever. Praise the Lord! Please pray with us that this will kick start a Jesus generation.
A highlight in the week for us is the weekly home church, to which we look forward to greatly; we were led in worship by Paul this week and we listened to an interesting talk on Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount – An Eye for an Eye. The day became truly complete when Paul and Calum followed in Alex’s footsteps, having their hair cut too; Paul a similar all over trim and Calum with what has become a rather controversial Mohican!
This week, the white family introduced the game– ‘Ninja’! The game has slightly taken over Poipet and we predict Cambodia also! We have found that some people are playing the game before we have even taught it to them and we’re yet to find a group of people who don’t enjoy it – and don’t worry all at home who are interested will surely be taught on our return!
We continue to visit the mat projects on Wednesday and Thursday and play games with them, now in the morning. This week at the Safe Haven school we taught the children, with the White family, “Happy Day”! With the guitar accompaniment, it was an incredible moment when they had learnt it and were singing Tim Hughes’ song around the Safe Haven site, dancing round the classroom and singing at the top of their lungs.
This song, among others, continued to resound around the streets of Poipet on Thursday evening at the Street church outreach where we saw a few more people attending. This project has such potential so please pray with us as we want to actively take Christ’s message on to the street so that it would be fruitful. We are excited to see how God will use this project to bring his kingdom into the heart of Cambodia.
Both Calum and Alex led morning devotions this week and we led the afternoon prayer meeting on Friday. We had our first noticeable mega mistranslation where, in short, it was said that the bible means diarrhoea! We were trying to explain that the Greek word for ‘babbling’, which sounds like diarrhoea, is the origin of the phrase “diarrhoea of the mouth”, but was misunderstood along the line. It was quickly cleared up, much to the amusement of all who were there and it will teach us not to be too clever with our talks! Despite the misunderstanding, the prayer meeting was followed by healings once again. A woman who was totally deaf in one ear was completely healed, Paul’s hearing in his left ear hadn’t been great, but about an hour after prayer, his hearing was restored! Allan who has suffered also from deafness for 30 years had improvement in his hearing. He had torn his tendon a year ago and has suffered from a knot in his ankle ever since, but today we was healed and can now walk normally again – how great is our God! Healing is such a new experience for us, but we know that this is God’s will for his children. We see it in the bible and we see it now – it is so easy to do and anyone is ‘qualified’ because it is about God, not us.
Thank you for all your support from home and thank you to those of you who have posted letters as it really is so lovely to receive post from home! Keep the emails, post and comments coming!
With our love, thoughts and prayers...
Alex, Paul and Calum
Saturday, 13 March 2010
06th - 12th March
The strangest thing happened this week: we wore jumpers! Not because we were ill and were suffering from a cold (or ‘man flu’) but because the temperature dipped below 30 to what we estimated to be 27C – ‘droh-chea’ (cold)! Jumpers for the morning, long sleeved T-shirts later in the day – felt like a British summer with a cool wind adding to what was a temperate climate for a few days!
The longer we are here the more and more we feel part of the family. We have our ‘western’ family with Matt, Nori, Emily and Sarah and our wonderful adopted parents – Alan and Andrene. We have our Khmer family of Chomno and Kim, their adopted daughter Mana (8 years old), Kim’s sister Eng, here husband and two children, all the restaurant girls and the staff who live at CHO. “Yung jia g’cru sat’dai muy” (We are one family)
It’s got to be said that by the time we have come to writing this blog, everything has become a bit of a blur and we’re not sure what happened on which days but we’ll do our best! We took the opportunity of a Saturday morning lie in and did not fall out of our beds until we smelt fresh pizza. Alan and Andrene taught the restaurant girls, Kim and Mana how to make pizza from scratch they tasted so good and was a great brunch! This was followed by watching ‘Ice Age 3’ with Mana, Alan and Andrene, Thea and Jeff. Jeff is a Pastor from the Calvary chapel church in California and is here for a few days to start to set up the bible school with Mao, which starts at the end of this year. He is returning in June to live here for several years whilst the bible school develops. In the evening we were hit by what was the biggest thunderstorm we have seen – a small token of what’s to come in the rainy season! A few drops of rain turned into a rain storm, leading to a torrent of water falling from the sky – standing on the balcony was exhilarating under cover, but when the wind changed direction we got drenched!
After church on Sunday morning, Chomno took us to the Casino Tropicana where we had their buffet lunch- ‘chingah(n)’ as you say in Khmer (delicious/tasty)! This gave us an opportunity to discus some of our ideas with Chomno. We returned to the Don Bosco sports centre where we played football and basketball with the under 14’s CHO girl’s football team – they are very cheeky with grins from ear to ear and they laugh constantly at us and our attempts to speak their language! We had a lovely evening at Eng’s (Kim’s sister) house with our Khmer family, Jeff, Alan and Andrene where we had an incredible BBQ, complete with roasted bananas and chocolate and endless games. They are all so wonderful and we love every minute we spend with them.
Monday was International Women’s Day, so some staff took the opportunity to take a holiday. There was no school at the Safe Haven, so we stayed at home and had a planning session with Chomno and amongst ourselves also. With no school at the Safe Haven today, the opportunity was taken to buy new shoes for the children. Many of them either have no shoes, are broken or are ill fitting, so Alan and Andrene (with a few CHO staff) took the children to the local market to buy everyone shoes. This was the first time many of them had stepped outside the 4 walls since April when the centre began. They went in small groups and came back with bright, colourful new shoes. They were so proud of their new attire and showed them off to us when we saw them later in the afternoon with smiles across their cheeky faces. None of the children have experience of a market (or very little), even a small one like the local one they went to and so meant that none of them were quite sure what to do. The beauty of the centre is that the children are safe, but, we do think it is important they have life experience so that they have an understanding of the real world because they can’t stay there forever; CHO obviously realise this but is difficult to implement appropriately. We would love your prayer support on this for CHO creating a suitable environment for the children to grow up in.
There are three houses, two ‘CHO’ houses with 24 children and a 3rd house with children that have been placed there by the government. These 9 children are all Khmer children who have crossed the border into Thailand illegally due to their parents and have subsequently been put into prison in Thailand. The Thai authorities send the children back to Cambodia but often their families just to send them straight back to Thailand where the same thing will happen to them again; to some children this happens countless times. Since the Safe Haven has opened, the Thai authorities have started to put these children here (and are more in ‘transit’ than at a home for them to stay) so this means they are not allowed to leave the centre. Their eyes are so deep and you can visibly see that there is something beneath their smiley exterior. We can’t begin to imagine what these incredible children have been through; all of whom we are so fond of and are a delight to be with.
In the afternoon we went to the safe haven and moved manure to the agriculture site, and in the evening we went out to a street cafe with Emily and Sarah to eat noodle soup.
We have been blessed with such a great family out here, so when we found out that it was Kim’s birthday on Tuesday, we had to do something. The restaurant staff had bought a cake and put up balloons, and we made a card to give to her, so we had a little party after home church at CHO, with all the guys who live here and everyone else at home church. There was music, dancing, with fun and laughter; the Khmer love a good shindig!
On Wednesday our schedule changed, so we now teach English at the safe haven in the afternoons, and do what we did in the afternoons in the morning. The mornings are when children learn better, so it makes sense for them to focus on Khmer and Maths then. Also it’s cooler for us to do physical work at the safe haven in the morning, so it works well for us!
Chomno is a visionary man, and he has a real heart for spreading the good news, so this week we started an outreach project outside CHO, involving music and testimonies on the street. It is from 7-8pm every Thursday, and we have a major responsibility in the event. It started small, like everything does, with mainly CHO staff, but the music captured the attention of neighbours and passer-bys, and we saw some people standing on the edges curious about what was happening, praise the Lord! We have loads of ideas about how to develop the event, and would love your prayers that this event would draw people in, and be a beacon, shining light in Poipet.
This week the White and Brown family’s children have been doing the bible studies at the safe haven for the children, and they have been teaching on the Easter story, continuing our story of Jesus’ life. It was nice to have a break and to see some other ideas on how to teach the children, they did really well despite being thrown in the deep end!
Unfortunately the Brown family had to leave on Saturday morning, so this Friday they took us and some CHO staff out for an amazing buffet meal at the casino. It was a good way to say goodbye, and they are so generous to take everyone out.
We hope that you are all well, and we really love your comments, keep them coming! We are looking forward to getting stuck into another week in Cambodia, till next blogging, Team Cambodia.
The longer we are here the more and more we feel part of the family. We have our ‘western’ family with Matt, Nori, Emily and Sarah and our wonderful adopted parents – Alan and Andrene. We have our Khmer family of Chomno and Kim, their adopted daughter Mana (8 years old), Kim’s sister Eng, here husband and two children, all the restaurant girls and the staff who live at CHO. “Yung jia g’cru sat’dai muy” (We are one family)
It’s got to be said that by the time we have come to writing this blog, everything has become a bit of a blur and we’re not sure what happened on which days but we’ll do our best! We took the opportunity of a Saturday morning lie in and did not fall out of our beds until we smelt fresh pizza. Alan and Andrene taught the restaurant girls, Kim and Mana how to make pizza from scratch they tasted so good and was a great brunch! This was followed by watching ‘Ice Age 3’ with Mana, Alan and Andrene, Thea and Jeff. Jeff is a Pastor from the Calvary chapel church in California and is here for a few days to start to set up the bible school with Mao, which starts at the end of this year. He is returning in June to live here for several years whilst the bible school develops. In the evening we were hit by what was the biggest thunderstorm we have seen – a small token of what’s to come in the rainy season! A few drops of rain turned into a rain storm, leading to a torrent of water falling from the sky – standing on the balcony was exhilarating under cover, but when the wind changed direction we got drenched!
After church on Sunday morning, Chomno took us to the Casino Tropicana where we had their buffet lunch- ‘chingah(n)’ as you say in Khmer (delicious/tasty)! This gave us an opportunity to discus some of our ideas with Chomno. We returned to the Don Bosco sports centre where we played football and basketball with the under 14’s CHO girl’s football team – they are very cheeky with grins from ear to ear and they laugh constantly at us and our attempts to speak their language! We had a lovely evening at Eng’s (Kim’s sister) house with our Khmer family, Jeff, Alan and Andrene where we had an incredible BBQ, complete with roasted bananas and chocolate and endless games. They are all so wonderful and we love every minute we spend with them.
Monday was International Women’s Day, so some staff took the opportunity to take a holiday. There was no school at the Safe Haven, so we stayed at home and had a planning session with Chomno and amongst ourselves also. With no school at the Safe Haven today, the opportunity was taken to buy new shoes for the children. Many of them either have no shoes, are broken or are ill fitting, so Alan and Andrene (with a few CHO staff) took the children to the local market to buy everyone shoes. This was the first time many of them had stepped outside the 4 walls since April when the centre began. They went in small groups and came back with bright, colourful new shoes. They were so proud of their new attire and showed them off to us when we saw them later in the afternoon with smiles across their cheeky faces. None of the children have experience of a market (or very little), even a small one like the local one they went to and so meant that none of them were quite sure what to do. The beauty of the centre is that the children are safe, but, we do think it is important they have life experience so that they have an understanding of the real world because they can’t stay there forever; CHO obviously realise this but is difficult to implement appropriately. We would love your prayer support on this for CHO creating a suitable environment for the children to grow up in.
There are three houses, two ‘CHO’ houses with 24 children and a 3rd house with children that have been placed there by the government. These 9 children are all Khmer children who have crossed the border into Thailand illegally due to their parents and have subsequently been put into prison in Thailand. The Thai authorities send the children back to Cambodia but often their families just to send them straight back to Thailand where the same thing will happen to them again; to some children this happens countless times. Since the Safe Haven has opened, the Thai authorities have started to put these children here (and are more in ‘transit’ than at a home for them to stay) so this means they are not allowed to leave the centre. Their eyes are so deep and you can visibly see that there is something beneath their smiley exterior. We can’t begin to imagine what these incredible children have been through; all of whom we are so fond of and are a delight to be with.
In the afternoon we went to the safe haven and moved manure to the agriculture site, and in the evening we went out to a street cafe with Emily and Sarah to eat noodle soup.
We have been blessed with such a great family out here, so when we found out that it was Kim’s birthday on Tuesday, we had to do something. The restaurant staff had bought a cake and put up balloons, and we made a card to give to her, so we had a little party after home church at CHO, with all the guys who live here and everyone else at home church. There was music, dancing, with fun and laughter; the Khmer love a good shindig!
On Wednesday our schedule changed, so we now teach English at the safe haven in the afternoons, and do what we did in the afternoons in the morning. The mornings are when children learn better, so it makes sense for them to focus on Khmer and Maths then. Also it’s cooler for us to do physical work at the safe haven in the morning, so it works well for us!
Chomno is a visionary man, and he has a real heart for spreading the good news, so this week we started an outreach project outside CHO, involving music and testimonies on the street. It is from 7-8pm every Thursday, and we have a major responsibility in the event. It started small, like everything does, with mainly CHO staff, but the music captured the attention of neighbours and passer-bys, and we saw some people standing on the edges curious about what was happening, praise the Lord! We have loads of ideas about how to develop the event, and would love your prayers that this event would draw people in, and be a beacon, shining light in Poipet.
This week the White and Brown family’s children have been doing the bible studies at the safe haven for the children, and they have been teaching on the Easter story, continuing our story of Jesus’ life. It was nice to have a break and to see some other ideas on how to teach the children, they did really well despite being thrown in the deep end!
Unfortunately the Brown family had to leave on Saturday morning, so this Friday they took us and some CHO staff out for an amazing buffet meal at the casino. It was a good way to say goodbye, and they are so generous to take everyone out.
We hope that you are all well, and we really love your comments, keep them coming! We are looking forward to getting stuck into another week in Cambodia, till next blogging, Team Cambodia.
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
27th Feb – 05th March
Hello, greetings from the land of eternal sunshine, hope you are enjoying the March weather back home! Last we heard it was snowing!
After arriving home on Friday, we spent Saturday relaxing and sorting ourselves out for the week to come. The highlight of the day was receiving the key for the balcony from our room on the top 2nd floor of CHO as we were then able to string up a hammock on the balcony – a new asset to our home! On Sunday we had church in the morning; it was good to catch up with some of the CHO staff and to be back home. In the afternoon we went to play basketball (much to Calum’s delight) at Don Bosco, with the local youth. Don Bosco is an educational facility/sports centre set up by a Catholic church just outside the city centre and the facilities there are excellent. The rest of the day we relaxed and planned some lessons and bible classes for the week to come. We do have to confess that we started on our stash of chocolate - the first pieces in 40 days, oh it tasted good!
On Monday we got back into the swing of our routine, and met two families from Canada, the Brown and White families (the Beiges as they have become more commonly known). The White family has four children, Janelle, Morgan, Josiah and Courtney and the Brown family has one child with them, Holly; they are here with us for 2-3 weeks. The children will be working with us at the safe haven and the adults will mainly be praying for healing for people in the surrounding villages and at CHO.
We went to the safe haven as usual on Monday morning; the Brown and White children didn’t join us today as they did project visits, but we taught English and played some games; it was lovely to be back and see all the adorable and wonderful kids again with their cheeky grins, who we were told had missed us. After the bible study on Jesus healing a man blind from birth, we asked if one of the children would like to pray instead of one of us: a forest of hands went up! Although we didn’t understand entirely what they were saying, we were told later that they had prayed for us when we go home, what a humbling experience! We had lunch back at CHO and it was good to see the restaurant girls; Leak (lee-ak), Heak (hee-ak) and Kong (we call her ‘King Kong’, to her delight). In the afternoon we went back to the safe haven, and worked moving eight large concrete columns before playing volleyball with the kids. Chomno returned from his 20 day trip to the Philippines and it was great to see him. He has such presence, spreading optimism, peace, and joy wherever he goes, filling the room with his warmth and you can’t help but like him. He is extremely wise, but at the same time manages to be so humble; it’s easy to see how CHO has grown so rapidly with him at the helm.
For the rest of the week we continued to work at the safe haven in the mornings, the Brown and White children came along to help; they are a great asset and enjoy teaching, playing and being with the kids. On Tuesday afternoon we moved animal manure (what Thea initially referred to as ‘cow sit’ much to our amusement!) at the safe haven for the plant nursery. In the evening we went to home church at Matt and Nori’s where Sarah led us in worship and we listened to a talk on different ways to connect with Jesus. On Wednesday and Thursday afternoons we went to school on a mat, where we played games and sang some songs. We met a young lady, at the school we visited on Thursday, who had come to Christ and had been disowned by her aunt and uncle who she lived with because of this. We were asked to pray for her by the pastor of one of the village churches. This felt so raw, and such a difficult situation, but must be common across Cambodia in the Christian church. We would love your prayers for her and others like her.
We led the CHO prayer meeting on Friday afternoon, and talked a little about why we should pray, looking at Matthew 6:8, why should we pray if God knows our every need before we ask him. This was followed by Harley and Sheila White, speaking on the ministry of healing. They asked if anyone had anything they needed healing for. Taking the opportunity, one of the staff stood up. He had a foot problem which he’d had for over 30 years – unable to straighten his foot and before our eyes he was healed, and could walk fairly normally. Over the next few days his foot has continued to be healed and every time we see him appears to be walking more normally. How Good is God! In the evening we went for a Friday film night at Matt and Nori’s, watching Ninja Assassin (awesome!!), and spent the rest of the evening with them.
This coming Thursday (11th March) and subsequent Thursday’s, Chomno, two of the CHO pastors (both of whom are called Pastor Seran!) and ourselves, are planning to do an outreach project in the evenings for an hour from 7pm – 8pm (12pm – 1pm GMT). We are going to play worship songs with some of the Khmer band, share Testimonies, pray and have a short talk outside the front of the CHO offices on the street and we’d love your prayer support. Just a few prayer thoughts: that it would go well, that people would come and be interested by what is happening and hear God’s message, but above all that it is a successful project leading people to the Lord.
Over the next few weeks, Alan and Andrene (a couple from Scotland who have been with us for nearly 2 months now and unfortunately leave in just over 2 weeks), besides their other work of training the teachers in the school on a mat projects and the safe haven school, are working to create a library at the safe haven. Primarily for the children but Chomno has future plans and visions for the library to expand, as there are very few libraries in Cambodia, and certainly in the locality. Please pray that the Library would develop, for money for the Library and that it becomes a useful resource for the children and the wider community in due course.
We would also like to say that Alan and Andrene have been so incredible to the three of us and have been like our adopted parents here at CHO! We love being with them, talking with them and we will miss them greatly when they have gone back to Scotland.
Thank you for all who are reading the blog and apologies that the blogs have become longer and less regular than we’re sure you’d like – we have been very busy since our return from our holiday and the blog has been bottom of the to do list as we’ve been putting our work as our priority, but you are not forgotten and please keep the comments coming!
With our thoughts and prayers…until next time,
Alex, Paul and Calum
After arriving home on Friday, we spent Saturday relaxing and sorting ourselves out for the week to come. The highlight of the day was receiving the key for the balcony from our room on the top 2nd floor of CHO as we were then able to string up a hammock on the balcony – a new asset to our home! On Sunday we had church in the morning; it was good to catch up with some of the CHO staff and to be back home. In the afternoon we went to play basketball (much to Calum’s delight) at Don Bosco, with the local youth. Don Bosco is an educational facility/sports centre set up by a Catholic church just outside the city centre and the facilities there are excellent. The rest of the day we relaxed and planned some lessons and bible classes for the week to come. We do have to confess that we started on our stash of chocolate - the first pieces in 40 days, oh it tasted good!
On Monday we got back into the swing of our routine, and met two families from Canada, the Brown and White families (the Beiges as they have become more commonly known). The White family has four children, Janelle, Morgan, Josiah and Courtney and the Brown family has one child with them, Holly; they are here with us for 2-3 weeks. The children will be working with us at the safe haven and the adults will mainly be praying for healing for people in the surrounding villages and at CHO.
We went to the safe haven as usual on Monday morning; the Brown and White children didn’t join us today as they did project visits, but we taught English and played some games; it was lovely to be back and see all the adorable and wonderful kids again with their cheeky grins, who we were told had missed us. After the bible study on Jesus healing a man blind from birth, we asked if one of the children would like to pray instead of one of us: a forest of hands went up! Although we didn’t understand entirely what they were saying, we were told later that they had prayed for us when we go home, what a humbling experience! We had lunch back at CHO and it was good to see the restaurant girls; Leak (lee-ak), Heak (hee-ak) and Kong (we call her ‘King Kong’, to her delight). In the afternoon we went back to the safe haven, and worked moving eight large concrete columns before playing volleyball with the kids. Chomno returned from his 20 day trip to the Philippines and it was great to see him. He has such presence, spreading optimism, peace, and joy wherever he goes, filling the room with his warmth and you can’t help but like him. He is extremely wise, but at the same time manages to be so humble; it’s easy to see how CHO has grown so rapidly with him at the helm.
For the rest of the week we continued to work at the safe haven in the mornings, the Brown and White children came along to help; they are a great asset and enjoy teaching, playing and being with the kids. On Tuesday afternoon we moved animal manure (what Thea initially referred to as ‘cow sit’ much to our amusement!) at the safe haven for the plant nursery. In the evening we went to home church at Matt and Nori’s where Sarah led us in worship and we listened to a talk on different ways to connect with Jesus. On Wednesday and Thursday afternoons we went to school on a mat, where we played games and sang some songs. We met a young lady, at the school we visited on Thursday, who had come to Christ and had been disowned by her aunt and uncle who she lived with because of this. We were asked to pray for her by the pastor of one of the village churches. This felt so raw, and such a difficult situation, but must be common across Cambodia in the Christian church. We would love your prayers for her and others like her.
We led the CHO prayer meeting on Friday afternoon, and talked a little about why we should pray, looking at Matthew 6:8, why should we pray if God knows our every need before we ask him. This was followed by Harley and Sheila White, speaking on the ministry of healing. They asked if anyone had anything they needed healing for. Taking the opportunity, one of the staff stood up. He had a foot problem which he’d had for over 30 years – unable to straighten his foot and before our eyes he was healed, and could walk fairly normally. Over the next few days his foot has continued to be healed and every time we see him appears to be walking more normally. How Good is God! In the evening we went for a Friday film night at Matt and Nori’s, watching Ninja Assassin (awesome!!), and spent the rest of the evening with them.
This coming Thursday (11th March) and subsequent Thursday’s, Chomno, two of the CHO pastors (both of whom are called Pastor Seran!) and ourselves, are planning to do an outreach project in the evenings for an hour from 7pm – 8pm (12pm – 1pm GMT). We are going to play worship songs with some of the Khmer band, share Testimonies, pray and have a short talk outside the front of the CHO offices on the street and we’d love your prayer support. Just a few prayer thoughts: that it would go well, that people would come and be interested by what is happening and hear God’s message, but above all that it is a successful project leading people to the Lord.
Over the next few weeks, Alan and Andrene (a couple from Scotland who have been with us for nearly 2 months now and unfortunately leave in just over 2 weeks), besides their other work of training the teachers in the school on a mat projects and the safe haven school, are working to create a library at the safe haven. Primarily for the children but Chomno has future plans and visions for the library to expand, as there are very few libraries in Cambodia, and certainly in the locality. Please pray that the Library would develop, for money for the Library and that it becomes a useful resource for the children and the wider community in due course.
We would also like to say that Alan and Andrene have been so incredible to the three of us and have been like our adopted parents here at CHO! We love being with them, talking with them and we will miss them greatly when they have gone back to Scotland.
Thank you for all who are reading the blog and apologies that the blogs have become longer and less regular than we’re sure you’d like – we have been very busy since our return from our holiday and the blog has been bottom of the to do list as we’ve been putting our work as our priority, but you are not forgotten and please keep the comments coming!
With our thoughts and prayers…until next time,
Alex, Paul and Calum
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