

We will be working with the Cambodian Hope Organisation (CHO), in a border town called Poipet. In Poipet the largest source of employment is day labour, 8-10 thousand people cross the border each day to transport goods back from Thailand; working conditions and pay is poor. Poipet lies in the shadows of ten super-casinos, they provide little economic benefit to the local area. The influx of tourists and gamblers attracted by the casinos has encouraged the sex industry to flourish. Child trafficking has taken a stronghold in Poipet, and its the poor families who are at risk of being lured into sending their children into Thailand where the risk of trafficking is high.

There is Hope! CHO works in the local community, and they envision 'a network of strong, hope-filled communities where adequate physical, psychological and spiritual needs are met.'

The work we will be doing with CHO is varied and includes; Helping to build a safe haven centre for children who have escaped the child trafficking industry, learning Khmer, the local language, taking an active role in children’s clubs and ‘school on a mat’, assisting CHO staff in their work in the community, working with individuals from different cultures and faiths, especially the Buddhist culture, praying for and visiting those suffering with HIV/AIDS, taking an active role in the life of the Church through worship, sharing testimonies, taking bible studies and preaching.

Tuesday 4 May 2010

24th-30th April

We were fortunate enough this week to stay in the village of Bos Thom. After a quiet weekend sorting things out after our holiday in Singapore and an ever improving STREET on Sunday evening, we were looking forward to a change from our Poipet home; and it couldn’t be much different. So much happened in the 3 days we were there, it’s difficult to summarise in this blog so we’ll have to tell you more on our return, now just over two and a half months away.
Monday: We left for Bos Thom with Dara (our translator for the time away; he was invaluable, and we could not have achieved what we did without him, we are so grateful for his help). We stayed with Pastor Saruet, one of two Pastors at Bos Thom, with his family of eight. We were honoured and privileged to be the first foreigners to stay in the village. He is comparatively well off in the village of 1000 people, with a moto, house, toilet (squatty potty), pond, chickens, pigs, ducks and geese. We arrived late morning and were introduced to the Pastor and his family. We had no real idea exactly what we would be doing over the next four days; as is the case so often in Cambodia, you just need to dig a bit deeper and ask the right questions!

Pastor Saruet

CHO helped this village hugely by building a school, water pond, and started the church that Pastor Saruet runs. Many people used to get very sick before the pond was built; now they have access to clean fresh water. We learned on the last day that Pastor Saruet’s eldest daughter collects water from the pond every morning at 4.00am to replenish the family’s supplies. She carried two 20 litre buckets hung on a bamboo pole over her shoulder; we struggle to lift one on our own.
That afternoon, we taught English and did a bible class in the local school. Teaching at safe haven was good preparation! The majority of children had not learned English before, so we made a start with basic words, numbers and phrases. Everywhere we go the children are so similar, happy, smiley, and keen to learn, we love working with them! After some games, we started our bible classes with the creation story; we then asked the children if they had heard any of this before. Not one hand went up, out of a hundred. This knocked us for six. We wanted and knew we had to share the good news with them. Though, how do you tell anyone of the good news of Jesus and God’s unfailing love in just five half hour slots over three days? And that said, really only three/two sessions (there were two different classes in the morning and afternoons). It is such a privilege to serve and worship an unchanging God who is the same yesterday, today and forever; sharing the message with those who have not heard of Jesus’ name is what it’s all about. We got them to shout out: Preah jibijah slor’lang knhom! (God loves me!) It was a start that we would build on later in the week.

In the time whilst we were at the village they cooked us great meals. We found it so difficult however, to eat their food when they have so little. They insisted though and it is rude not to eat the food they’ve prepared. That said, the thing we found the hardest was how they fussed over us. We were honoured by their generosity which we couldn’t refuse but it was hard to accept sometimes. On Monday evening we spent the time playing endless games, drinking a lot of water and sweating! We brought a Frisbee with us and taught them ‘Ultimate Frisbee’ which they loved and despite playing some very odd Khmer games we had fun. The evening was lit up by the most amazing lightning storm we’ve ever seen – quite incredible. Our bed for the next three nights was a few wooden planks with a small, thin mat separating us from the boards, surrounded by a mosquito net – not the most comfortable nights we’ve had but how could we (how dare we) complain when this is what they have everyday of their lives.

Tuesday: We woke, Tuesday morning, to the embarrassment of having fifty children ready to learn English at 6.30am – we were not due to start teaching until 8.00am and so was quite a surprise! We washed and dressed, ready to teach in the Pastor’s home where he had brought 14 desks especially for us from the local school. His house is all open-plan with dirt floors, with both corrugated iron and thatched roofing.

Calum teaching English

We taught the basic English phrases and words, played games and after talked about God’s grace which the Pastor had asked to do (10 minutes prior to doing it!). It’s a simple concept for us to understand with our upbringing, but how do we explain God’s grace simply? You can’t explain grace until you explain everything else! But how can they understand that without first explaining who Jesus was, and is? And more to the point, we feel many of you reading this now would be far more qualified to teach on God’s grace than us! We followed from yesterday’s creation story and used John 1v14 and 3v16 to introduce who Jesus is, what he has done for us and his incredible grace for us. We had them shout out once again Jesus loves me! This thus started the beginning of a series of talks on grace over the following days. It’s good to know we can prepare a talk in a couple of minutes though.

We talked about the Good Samaritan to try and further explain God’s grace in the afternoon, as they were a younger class but had similar English lessons. Over the 3 days in Bos Thom we believe we taught nearly 150 children English and the bible, all the desks were filled, with children spilling outside the building in both lessons. We sang songs and both taught and learned new games with the children. By the time we left, Ultimate Frisbee was played continually and a game called ‘Ninja’ was played everywhere we looked! It was so much hotter in the afternoons, playing games was exhausting and none of us had sweat quite like we did in Bos Thom, with such a relentless thirst for water. We drank 50 litres between the three of us, and Dara, whilst we there– in a neighbouring village, Khvai Thom, people have just 5 litres of water between two people per day in which to drink, wash, cook, everything. And yet, without drinking that water we would have been dehydrated very quickly.
We looked around some of the village with the Pastor walking through fields. We visited a family who had made their home in just three days from bamboo and grass thatched roofing; amazing.

The Bamboo home we visited

The family who live there

Alex scaring the family

Other than a few plastic items, both here and across the village, we recon that the village would have looked little different 500 plus years ago; and we are unfortunately not joking when saying this. Everything is so simple, not over complicated and resourceful – the bamboo and thatch were all from the surrounding fields. There is such a contrast in the world in which we live and in Cambodia (indeed any third world country), the contrast between poverty and wealth is so great and it hits us even more so as we live it and even then, it seems unreal that we live in a world with such contrasts like this.

Wednesday: Today was our 100th day since leaving home for Cambodia! We once again woke this morning to the sound of children eager to learn English at 6.30am. We continued with the English basics and then had the children act out Jesus healing the paralytic man in Mark 2 and later that afternoon acted out the story of Zacchaeus.

Paul teaching the Bible

We visited some of the Christian households in the village near the Pastor’s house after teaching in the afternoon and we met a woman who was making roof thatch. A 2 metre strip, which takes a good hour to make, sells for just 500 riel, about 7 pence. Another women we met earns 2 ½ US dollars a day, under 2 pounds. There are next to no job opportunities and so at least they are earning something. We paid Pastor Saruet $90 for the four days we were there; a lot of money, we first thought, when living is so inexpensive. This was somewhat short sighted as that money will be able to be used in the village to help people who really need it. We only hope they didn’t use too much for our short stay. One lady asked if we had houses like hers in our country, a small bamboo/grass thatched house. The answer we gave was hardly adequate but we couldn’t just lie. Our lives are just so different – all because we were born in Britain and she in a remote Cambodian village. One man had had his land invaded by a family and was writing a handwritten letter to the police and village chief seeking justice to have them removed; though what happens to those people once they are removed with nowhere to live, we don’t know.

That evening we spent the night learning to write Khmer and colouring with the Pastor’s children. After three days, everyone was so comfortable with us around and despite having a very evident language barrier we had great fun with them. So many of the children are very confident, joyful, servant hearted and could go so far, however we wonder how they can when growing up in a place like this. One boy, called Lee Hua, in particular shone out to us, a natural leader and spoke some good English already. We later discovered he was once a Safe Haven child, but one year ago he moved to live with his grandmother in Bos Thom. It is so good for us to see a child leave the Safe Haven and fit so easily back into ‘the real world’, so we were delighted to see that, but it just makes us think about his future, how different it will be living here. We played endless games and sang songs all evening and finished by praying for all the children, the Pastor, his family and the village. The Pastor asked that we prayed for: his church (its growth, finance and a building), an English teacher, help with making the ground higher at the school as it floods in the rainy season, the family who had their land taken and medicine. What an incredible evening and three days.
Just before going to bed Pastor Saruet asked us how we thought his church could grow and have more money in the collection. We have been challenged by so many questions the last few days but this we just did not know how to answer. How do you? He will know more than we do in running a church. How can you expect people to give when they have such a small income which is so precious, integral to their survival? God asks that we give a tithe and what we can, so even if they do just that – there’s still hardly anything to make any real change. All we knew to say was to pray and to know to trust in God that he will always provide in the best possible way. So often with questions like these, we don’t know what to say and so refer to what we do, but please pray that when we are challenged and faced with such difficult situations and questions, that we would know what to say. We are all called to be the hands and feet of Jesus, but we cannot do things in our own strength. We need the Almighty, Holy and living God by our side.

Thursday: We unfortunately left on Thursday on a bit of a low note as was Alex ill. At a time when Alex needed to keep his fluid levels up, with nearly no water left, Paul went to buy a 12 bottle pack of water from the local shop. This cost just 3 dollars for 12 bottles; he had to walk past the woman who earned just 2 ½ dollars a day – she could never afford that and yet we needed it. We finished teaching English and spoke on Jesus walking on the water in Matthew 14. We wanted to speak to everyone about how walking with Jesus and being a Christian is a leap of faith. As Peter did, we need to step out of the boat and know that even when we are in trouble, Jesus will immediately catch us. Following Jesus is a risk, but it’s worth the chance of eternal life. Just because we can’t see God, doesn’t mean he’s not there; but we’re not going to see unless we come to him. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed, John 20v29.
When we arrived on Monday, the children could hardly speak any English. When we left on Thursday they could say: Hello, Goodbye, Sorry, Please, Thank you, How are you?, I am fine, What is your name?, my name is ... , How old are you, I am ... years old and count from 1 to 20. We were so thrilled with their effort. As we left they didn’t want to say goodbye and didn’t want to see us go, nor did we. If Alex wasn’t ill we would all have loved to stay longer, we hope the Pastor didn’t think it was his fault. We had the most incredible week. Our eyes have been widened further both mentally and spiritually. Living in a village which would be little dissimilar in AD 1500 and seeing Jesus in Bos Thom village through the children, the church and Pastor Saruet. Speaking on God’s grace has shown us how God’s grace and love reaches everyone. The world would consider this village to be the least, the lost and the last. But Jesus loves them, his grace reaches them and they are some of the most amazing people we’ve met.

On our return to Poipet, Paul taught at the Safe Haven in the afternoon whilst Calum stayed with Alex, who is now fine and well. The following day we had a quiet morning and in the afternoon we had the weekly prayer meeting at the Safe Haven where we had the staff write prayers on coloured pieces of paper and put them around the site as a sort of prayer walk. In the evening we had a home church, spending time with Emily and Sarah, praying, worshiping God, listening to a talk and catching up from the past week. It is so great to have fellowship with each other.

Please continue to pray for us as your support is so very appreciated.
Alex, Calum and Paul

If you are having trouble writing a comment on the blog, and want to write a comment, please email them to ...


  1. What an amazing time you are having, and what wonderful things the Lord is doing through you. And no - I don't believe anyone else would be better qualified to teach what you have taught those children - the Lord knew you were absolutely the right ones. Relieved that Alex is now well. Bless all of you for what you are doing to make changes in these lives and listening to what the Lord is asking for you. We pray he keeps you all safe and well. You really are being 'changed from the inside out', Romans 12:2

  2. Guys, this is awesome! Sounds like you had a brilliant time - what a privilege to be able to proclaim Christ to children that have never heard of Him before. And to echo what is said above, don't forget this passage in 1 Corinthians 1:26-31, specifically verse 27: "But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong."
    We're all weak and none of us are able to speak the perfect advice or message, but because it's God doing that through us and Him speaking through us, it will have His power - so keep trusting in Him :)
    Glad to hear Alex is better. Wish I was still there with you all!!

  3. Dara: wow you guys are really good at writing.That's my honor that you mention i am very useful to you guys,that's my pleasure.I appreciate what you have done for my people.
    keep it up buddy! :)
    I almost drown,thank you Alex for saved my life. I owe you one man!:)

  4. hey guys!

    (man, I typed up a long comment but the site wouldn't let me post it and I lost it...I don't have time to re-type it all as I am supposed to be doing school. So this is going to be quick)

    Wow, what an experience. It's amazing all you can accomplish with God in a few short days! How wonderful that you were able to spread the good news and God's love to so many children who have never heard it before! I truly believe that God can (and will) use the seeds you planted in those kids to change their lives.

    How cool to hear that you met Lee Hua, discovered that he was previously from Safe Haven and that he fits in well with his village.

    Sounds like you've been having a great time! Keep up the good work. You truly are transforming Cambodia.

    Enjoy your time with Bekah!

    ps. Sick of ninja yet? :)

  5. Hey C.A.P. Team!

    (This will be short considering I have school to do right now. :D )

    Sounds like you guys are having fun! Keep up the excellent work!

    Its certainly amazing what God can do in such a short amount of time! Hopefully those kids will be impacted for life and their relationship with God will grow!

    Anyways, enjoy the rest of your time in Cambodia! Blessings!


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